37. Scotty Doesn't Know

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"He what?" Dave yelled.

"He broke her heart," Hunter repeated. Dave put the knife down on the counter and walked over to me.

"May I help you?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"You never told me about Scotty," He said through clenched teeth.

"We never dated so why would I. He's just a good friend," I replied.

"Ya one you've slept with and made out with while he was seeing your friend," Hunter added as he opened the fridge and grabbed one of the apple juice boxes.

"Hunter shut up," Dave and I both said at the same time. We all shared a breif laugh before Hunter ran out the back door to his guest house.

"Look so I fell for Scotty, we ended up sleeping together two times in one night after alot of beer, he said he couldn't date me, then we just stayed friends and he was always there for me. Then when he was dating Ambby the second or third time and we were drunk and high so we ended up making out at the park by my house. Then he tried to put a hand down my pants so I stopped it and we were nothing but friends after that. Besides you, Hunter and TayTay, Scotty is my best friend. He's the orginal bestie with testies," I said. I finished and he just stared at me.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Dave asked in a tone that suggested he cared but was trying not to and he turned his head slightly away. I let out a small giggle.

"That's not easy to answer. I mean yes and no. Yes because he'll always have a small piece of my heart. No because right now I couldn't be happier. I'm completely, head over heels in fucking love with this guy named Dave Grohl. I think you know him. He's the father of my twins and for the next 50 years or so he's the only man I'll ever want to be with," I replied. He turned to look at me about halfway through my little speech. When I finished he took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. He pulled away from me, smiled, then walked back to the counter to continue dinner.

"He's also a really good kisser," I said when I could finally talk again. Dave let out big loud laugh. God I loved that laugh.

"When does Scotty get here?" Dave asked.

"Whose Scotty? Is gonna beam us up?" Krist asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"More like Scotty doesn't know and tomorrow at like 2:30. He can stay right? Pleeeeeeeeeease?" I begged.

"Yes he can stay here. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine. Just like any friends of mine are now your friends too," Dave replied.

"Wait I gotta be her friend?" Krist asked in mock horror.

"Yes," Dave said as he let out another laugh.

"Ya sure that's fine. She's kind of awesome. She played Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep and sang along. She's my kind of girl," Krist replied as he walked over to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

"Yay I got a new friend," I said in mock excitment.

Krist and Hunter spent the night watching a movie with the girls while Dave and I amde dinner together. Shepheard's pie with carrots in it. Dave had tried to peas in it but Ihave no idea where those went so we didn't bother putting them in. (I got rid of them. I hate peas.) We all sat together and ate. After dinner, Dave and I fed the twins together while Krist and Hunter did the dishes with Violet and Harper. Ophelia came with Dave and I. We all watched a movie together before heading to bed.

I crawled into bed and cuddled with oen of my pillow. I felt Dave get in beside me. He didn't turn his light out right away. I rolled over and looked at him. He was looking at his phone.

"What are you looking at?" I asked. He didin't answer he just turned the phone towards me. It was a TMZ article

"Grohl files for divorce admist rumors of an engagement and twins."

"How the fuck are there rumors about the twins already?" I asked as I sat up.

"Hold on," he said as he read the article a bit before reading out loud, "Grohl was seen carrying two car seats into the hospital last month after Brittany Lane, the lead singer of the band Peace Punk, was admitted. Lane was excepting her first baby with Grohl when she went into labor two weeks early. Lane posted to twitter two weeks ago saying she was enjoying motherhood and yesterday she posted a photo of her and Frances Cobain with drinks in hand with the caption "Happy 4th of July! Spending it with friends, family, my boys and the little ones! Also Happy belated Canada Day to my fellow canadians." Neither Lane nor Grohl has confirmed if they have twins or an engagement........." he trailed off.

"I hate this life sometimes," I siad as I laid back down.

"This is what we get for being in the public eye. Maybe we should atleast confirm the rumor about the twins. We can deny the engagement one until the divorce is finalized. You did get that People magazine offer," Dave said as he plugged his phone in and put it on his bedside table.

"That means I gotta do 3 music videos, a tv show, a documentary, go back on tour and shoot a magazine shoot with my babies," I said in a high pitched voice.

"I'm gonna be there for all of those. I gotta do the show with you and two of those music videos are mine as well. I'm probably gonna be fucking filmed for the documentary when they're filming the tour stuff because you're touring with me. I'm also gonna be there for the photo shoot because I'm the father. You don't have to stress out over everything you have to do. You're not doing it alone," He said as he turned off his light and laid down facing me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it before adding, "We're in this together beautiful."

"Promise not to leave?" I asked as I squeezed his hand. He squeezed it back.

"I promise never to leave you," he replied.

He let go of my hand, put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. He brought his lips to mine and kissed me. He traced his tongue over my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. Our tongues did a tango as one of his hands went up my shirt. He gentle cupped my breast as he moved his mouth to my neck. I ran one of my hands through his hair and gently grabbed it as he bit my neck gently. His hand moved down from my breast and trailed down to my stomach to my panties. He slipped his hand inside and started rubbing me. I let out a soft moan as he kissed up my neck to my lips. Next thing I knew, we where naked and he was on top of me.

"Babe are you sure? We can stop if you want," he said between kisses on my neck before looking at me.

I pulled him down and me started making out again. He got his answer from that and the next two and half hours we spent having the best sex we've ever had, in my opinion. He rolled off of me and laid down beside me on his back with his arm out for me to cuddle up to him and I did just that. He kissed the top of my head after I did.

"I will never get tired of that," he said as he rubbed my back.

"Me either," I said as I kissed his chest softly before adding, "Good night baby, I love you."

"I love you too babe. Good night."

The Next Afternoon

Krist offered to stay home with the girls and the twins as Dave and I headed to the airport to pick up Scotty. I was excited. I hadn't Scotty in almost 3 years. I told Dave how Scotty left for 2 years to go to school and a week before he came back I was out here. When we gotto the airport, Dave parked and we got out and headed to the building. When we got inside, we headed to baggage claim where Scotty said he would meet us. I saw Scotty as soon as we got there.

"Brittany!" Scotty shouted when he saw me and started running towards me.

"Scotty!" I shouted back as he wrapped me up in huge hug after he got to me and dropped his bag.

We hugged until Dave cleared his thoart and I pulled away from Scotty.

"Dave this is Scotty." I said as I turned around to face Dave.

"Holy shit! Dave Grohl. Nice to meet you dude. My name is actuallyScott but everyone calls me Scotty, Obviously," Scotty said as he held out his hand for Dave to shake. Dave shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you. We better get going before the paparazzi find us," Dave said ebfore he turned around and started walking away. Uh oh!

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