61. Catching Up

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I woke up at 4:30 AM and got out of bed. I walked out onto the little balcony we had outside our room with a blanket and curled up on the couch we had out there instead of one of the two chairs. I looked out at the view that had taken my breath away when I first saw it. I put a hand on my belly and rubbed it as I looked at the view.

"We survived little one. We're strong ones," I whispered as I looked down at my belly. I felt a little kick after I spoke and smiled. I also heard the bed moving. Whether Dave was just rolling over or getting up, I didn't know. I looked back out at the view and and just soaked it in.

"Brittany," I heard Dave say before he appeared in the doorway to the balcony. "Oh there you are." He came and sat down beside me and pulled me into him. I snuggled up to him to make it more comfortable for me.

"I missed alot while I was gone," I said as he rubbed my arm.

"That's ok. You're here now," he replied before kissing the top of my head.

"No it's not. I missed thanksgiving, halloween, christmas, my birthday and your birthday," I said as I sat up and looked at him.

"You gave me the best birthday present I could have asked for this year," He said as he looked back at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked,slightly confused.

"You woke up on my birthday. That was the one thing I wanted and I got it," Dave said. I leaned into him and kissed him. He put an arm around me and held me as we kissed. I wound up straddling him as we kissed. I eventually pulled away and just sat there looking at him.

"I love you so fucking much," I said as he had his hands on my legs.

"I love you too. I'm glad I get more time with you," he said with a smile on his face.

"We can have a joint birthday party to make up for missing both of ours," I said with an excited smile on my face.

"Whatever you want we'll do. I want to take you back to Virginia for awhile though. We'll take the twins and go for a couple of weeks. Just relax and rest and be a family away from this crazy life we call normal," he replied as he moved his hands up my back.

"Your facial hair feels weird by the way," I said as he gently pushed me closer to him for another kiss.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, stopping what he was doing to look at me confused.

"That was the first thing I felt when I woke up. It felt weird when I didn't know what it was," I replied.

"You are too adorable at times," Dave said as he pushed me in the rest of the way for a kiss.

We cuddled up under the blanket and watched the sunrise before all the kids joined us out on the balcony. We sat there and just talked for awhile. Dave showed me pictures of the pictures of their halloween costumes and christmas gifts as they each told me about them. Meredith and Kurt where on the couch with me and Dave as the girls talked. Dave eventually got up to go make breakfast. Ophelia took his place and cuddled up to Meredith who had been between me and Dave. Kurt was in my lap, sleeping like a little angel.

"We missed you a lot mama b," Ophelia said once she was comfy.

"Ya we really did," Harper added.

"Dad wasn't the same without you around. He was sad," Violet said.

"I never meant to leave you guys or your dad. I was almost home when it happened. I promise you I'm not leaving you guys any time soon ever again," I replied.

"Well you can still go on tour but just don't go back to being sleeping beauty," Harper said as she stood up and came over to the couch. She sat between me and the arm of the couch. She put her head on my arm because I was holding Kurt and couldn't put my arm around her.

"Breakfast," Dave yelled from below us. We all got up and headed downstairs. I held Kurt the entire time and at as I did so.

"I can take him so you can eat," Dave said when I almost dropped my fork.

"I got this," I said and smiled at him. He went back to eating and making sure Meredith wasn't making a mess.

We ate breakfast and decided once everyone was dressed, we'd head out to the park down the street. I was in my cloest when Dave brought my ringing phone in to me. I looked at the screen and saw Frances's name so I answered.

"What are you doing today?" Frances asked after I said hey.

"We're getting dressed and heading to the park down the street for a bit.

"Mind if I bring my new puppy by?" Frances asked.

"Oh my god yes. Bring the puppy and Wolverine. I miss that dog," I replied as I picked out a dress that fit me and kind of hid my bump.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit," Frances responded before hanging up.

I put the dress on and headed back to the bedroom. Dave was dressing Kurt who was now awake. Meredith was still in just a diaper. Once Kurt was dressed, Dave put him on the ground and he ran over to me. I picked him up and he put his head down on ym shoulder.

"He's such a mama's boy," Dave said as he tried to catch Meredith.

"Well she's a daddy's girl so don't complain," I said with a laugh as he picked Meredith up and blew on ehr tummy, making her laugh.

"Go feed him while I get this one dressed," Dave said as I started leaving the room.

Bowie followed me to the kitchen. I cut up the piece of french toast we left for Kurt and heated it a bit before giving it to him. He started happily eating it.

"Mmmmm," Kurt said as he looked at me.

"Ya it's good huh?" I asked with a tiny laugh.

"Mmm hmm," he said as he shook his head yes.

"Kurty is awake finally," Ophelia said as she came into the kitchen.

"Why are we going to the park in Janurary?" Violet asked.

"Because we're crazy people," I replied. Violet started laughing as Harper came intot he kitchen. Dave and Meredith came in as Kurt finished his food. I cleaned him up as Violet took hsi palte to the sink and washed it for me.

"Thank you Violet," I said as I lifted Kurt out of the high chair.

"You're welcome," Violet replied.

We headed to the park down the street. Dave took the twins to the swings as I sat down on a bench. Frances walked over with Wolverine and her new puppy shortly after we got there.

"He's so cute," I said as she sat beside me. I bent over to pet the puppy.

"His name is Xander the lemon beagle," she replied. Wolverine and Bowie where sniffing each other.

"Hello Xander. You're just the cutest little thing ever," I said as he put his paws on my leg and I started petting him.

We sat there and talked as Dave played with the kids. After awhile we headed home and decided to spend the afternoon coloring and painting. Dave went off to the guitar room while the twins napped and Frances and I painted with the girls. Hunter eventually came into the house and went to go hang out with Dave. Tyler also came over to work with Dave. Eventually Frances made tea and we had a tea party. Ophelia didn't even ask for Chip this time. I felt the newest little Grohl kick me all day. Dave and I were spooning in bed when he felt it for the first time.

"Well hello there little man," he said when he felt the baby.

"He's been doing it all day," I said as I rolled over onto my back. Dave sat up and mvoed down so he was looking at my bump straight on.

"Hey little guy. I'm your daddy. I'm glad you and your mommy are safe. I can't wait to meet you," Dave said to my belly before he kissed it. Dave rubbed my belly as the baby kept kicking. Once he laid back down properly in the bed, I cuddled up to him and put my head on his chest.

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