86. Break A Leg!

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2 Months Later - December 13th

Abby - 32 Weeks

Frances - 28 Weeks

Britt - 23 Weeks

Dave and the guys were coming home today and I couldn't wait. Last night Dave had callled me from the hospital. He fell off the stage and broke his leg.......again. Atleast it was on the last night of the tour before they came home. I was going to have to make that man rest if it killed me. Frances and Scotty were over helping me and the kids decorate. Scotty was finishing putting on the lights when the doorbell rang. I knew it was either Jordyn with the girls or Hunter with more decorations. I went to answer it and saw Jordyn and the girls. They hugged Jordyn and then me before running off to join the others in the living room.

"Is Dave home yet?" she asked as Hunter walked past us into the house. Perfect timing.

"No but he should be soon. Did you want to come in and wait?" I asked.

"No Lucas is waiting for me. I feel for you though. Good luck keeping that guy off his feet. The struggle is real," she replied and we both laughed.

"I'll get some straps and keep him in one place. You're still coming here with Lucas on christmas day right?" I asked as she started towards her car.

"Of course. See you then. Tell Dave I said hi," Jordyns aid as she got in her car. We waved at each other as she backed out of the drive way. I headed back to living room and saw that everything was on the tree but the decorations now.

"Scotty can you put the star on the top please? It's normally Dave's job but that man is not getting on a ladder anytime soon," I asked.

"Ya sure. What did he do again?" Scotty asked as he got up on the ladder and Frances handed him the star.

"He broke his leg after falling off the stage," I replied as I heard a car pull up outside.

"He was trying to fly," Frances said and we all started laughing. I stopped when I heard the door open

"I have a special delivery for a Mrs. Grohl," Taylor shouted and I walked out the the entrance and saw Dave in a wheelchair.

"Best package ever. Hey you guys," I said as I walked over to them. I hugged Taylor before leaning down and giving Dave a hug and kiss.

"I'd love to stay and chat but I have a very pregnant wife and my kids waiting for me. I'll see you guys in a few days," Taylor said after he brought Dave's bags into the house and a pair of crutches.

We waved good bye as he left and I gave Dave his crutches. He got up and headed to the living room with me behind him. He went straight for his chair and I moved the stool over to the chair so he could put his leg up. The kids all gave him hugs once he was comfy in the chair. Eric stayed in his lap as we said good bye to Frances, Hunter and Scotty. Now we could put the decorations on the tree together as a family. I let the kids put whatever they wanted wherever they wanted. Dave had moved over to to the couch and was sitting close to us with Eric. I was putting a green ornament where he told me to when I turned around and caught him.

"Enjoying the show there?" I asked as I put a hand on my hip.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Dave replied and looked down at Eric.

"Oh then me saying I'm going to put pants on won't be an issue then?" I asked as I got off the ladder. Dave looked back at me and pouted.

"Please don't. Yes I was enjoying the show," he replied as I sat down beside him. Eric moved from his lap to mine and I gave him a hug.

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