70. Face Off

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I woke up the next morning to more screaming then normal and remembered Allison didn't come get the kids. I sat there for a second and realized there was 9 kids in the house. I looked at Dave's side and realized he was gone. Frances went with Scotty to his place and I don't know if she came back or not. I got up, got dressed in a short little flowy skirt and a plain red tank top and headed down tot he kitchen. As I walked through the living room I said good morning to Violet, Harper and Shane as I waked through to the kitchen. Dave was cutting up pancakes for Kurt and Meredith while Ophelia, Annabelle and Alex ate theirs. I walked up to him, hugged him from behind and kissed his back before turning to the coffee pot.

"Good morning. Hey do you know if Frances came home last ngiht?" Dave asked as I finished pouring my cup of coffee. I walked ver to the fridge and grabbed my flavoured creamer and added it to ym coffee as he walked over to the twins and gave them their pancakes. I noticed Eric wasn't in the kitchen.

"I don't know. Where's the baby?" I asked.

"In the living room sleeping in the swing. Do you want me t.....Hello legs," Dave said as he walked around the counter and saw me.

"There are 9 kids in this house. Don't even think about it. Where you gonna ask me if I wanted some pancakes?" I ased as he started leaning in for a kiss. He srested his forehead on mine.

"Yes I was. I think you deserve to have breakfast amde for you once in awhile. Especially since I have to go on tour for two months," He replied. He said the last part as he walked over to the stove.

"You guys are leaving for two months after Abby and I had the babies. Seriously Dave?" I said angerly as I put my coffee mug down on the counter.

"I had to rebook them because of the accident and I gotta do them before you go back in the studio. Frances will be here. Abby can even come stay here with Ollie. There's plenty enough room here. Hell Scotty can stay here too. He's your new assistant anyways," Dave said as he poured the pancake batter into a pan.

"That's gonna be weird. We could have let him have the empty guest house," I said as I got up on the counter by the stove. Hunter had moved in with Tyler because Tyler was lonely since Kevin pasted away.

"Why should I sell my house if you're not gonna sell yours?" He asked me.

"Hey I need a place to go incase you decide you don't want me around anymore because I'm too immature and young," I said as I ate a grape from the bowl on the counter.

"You are never getting replaced. No matter what you do," Dave replied as he flipped the pancakes over.

"I still think he should move into the guest house," I said as I jumped off the counter.

"For once I agree with her," Frances said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Why?" Dave asked.

"That boy needs to be watched like a hawk right now. He's out of rehab again and that big house is gonna be party central. Britt will end up there alot," Frances said as she poured a cup of coffee for herself. Just then the door bell rang.

"I'll get it. You get Scotty in that guest house," I said as I walked out of the kitchen and living room. I opened the door and saw Allison there.

"Hey Allison," I said as she walked in. "Come right on in."

"Are my kids ready to go?" she asked in a bitchy tone as she turned around to look at me.

"They're finishing their breakfast. What is your damage? Is it because Taylor moved on?" I asked being as equally bitchy to her. She gave me a look before she responded.

"He can do whatever he wants with Barbie. I could give a rats ass."

"Her name is Abby. Why are you being bitchy towards me? I did nothing wrong," I said. She walked towards me.

"You know exactly what you did," she said.

"No I don't," I replied as she got closer.

"You made a happily married man leave his wife and kids. Now you have her life. You're a homewrecker. You know deep down that this won't last," Allison said as she stopped with her face inches from mine.

"In case you didn't know, Dave made the first move. Also did you knwo Jordyn cheated on Dave before he kissed me. I didn't do anything to push or pull or persuade him to do what he did. Please get your kids and get the fuck out of my house," I spat at her as I backed away and opened the door again. Shane, Annabelle and Alex came running into the main entrance then with Frances. Allison hugged them and asked them if they had fun and they said yes. The kids said goodbye to em and headed out the door. I glared at Allison as she passed me. I slammed the door shut behind her and turned to look at Frances.

"I heard what she said. What a bitch," Frances said as we headed back to the kitchen.

"Ya. Don't tell Dave. I'll talk to Taylor later today," I said before we walked into the kitchen. Frances made an x over her heart as we walked into the kitchen. Dave had a plate of pancakes in each hand as he turned to face us.

"Ladies," he said and smiled at us.

"Thanks baby. I knew I married you for a reason," I said as I took my plate and kissed him.

"Mama come sit by me," Ophelia said as she looked over the back of her chair.

"Did she just...." I asked trailing off.

"Just go with it. Don't tell Jordyn," Dave whispered. He patted my butt as I walked by him to sit by Ophelia. Frances sat across from me as Dave put my coffee in front of me before grabbing his plate and sitting on the other side of me.

"So I didn't hear you come in last night Frances," Dave said tryign to be casual.

"I was talking with Scotty most of the night," She replied before eating some pancakes.

"I want deets girl," I said as I took a sip of coffee.

"We just talked. That's all," Frances said, blushing a bit.

"That boy doesn't always do just talking. He kissed this one over here while they where drunk and talking," Dave said as he shoved some pancakes into his mouth.

"We just talked. We talked about all the people you guys know back home, his family, his interests, my family, friends and interests. The stuff you guys use to do for hours on the couch when we all lived together," Frances said. We sat in silence as we ate our breakfast after that. Frances grabbed my plate and hers and took it to the dishwasher.

"Hey are you cool to stay here for two months with Britt, Abby and the kids while we do those tour dates I rebooked?" Dave asked Frances.

"Ya. Hey do you want me to call Scotty and tell him he can ahve the guest house?" Frances asked as she took the twins out of the high chairs. Eric also started crying.

"Dave can do it. I'll get him. He's probably hungry," I replied as I stood up.

"I'll go get these two cleaned up and we can all go outside to play and swim while you two visit Taylor and Abby and baby Ollie," Frances said as she walked out of the kitchen holding the twins hands.

I followed her but went over to Eric who was crying in his swing. I picked him up and walked over to Dave's chair. Harper and Violet had their eyes glued to the screen and I realised they where watching Twilight. I used the blanket on the back of the chair to cover myself as I started feeding Eric. I watched the movie with them as Frances returned with the twins. They went off to the corner to play with their toys and Frances sat with them. I couldn't have asked for more then this amazing family. Allison can go fuck herself. I'm not going anywhere ever again.

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