21. No Way Back From Here

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Three Weeks Later

I had a freak out and called Frances while in London and she came. It was being in the same city where I had my "breakdown" and I just didn't want to be alone anymore. Frances flew to London and stayed with me the rest of my overseas press trip. She left Hunter with Tyler and Kevin. We were arriving in New York today to do The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and tomorrow I was gonna be on The View. I hadn't been asked about Dave and I yet and I was kinda grateful. Everyone had been asking only about the movie, which was great. I could handle that.

We made it through the airport and into the car when I texted Dave. "I'm in New York. Three more days til I get to see you!!!!! :)"

Dave texted back as the car took off. "Can't wait to see you and that baby bump! Taylor is driving me crazy!"

"I wish you where in New York with me babe. I could make you forget about Taylor being a pain ;)"

"Don't tease me. It's torture here without you. The girls miss you. I told them about the baby." he sent.

"Tell them I miss them too. How'd they take it?" I asked. I put my phone in ym purse as we pulled up outside to do Jimmy Kimmel. Guess finding out would ahve to wait.

Frances and I walked in together and got put in the green room.

"You worried he might ask about Dave?" Frances asked as I started pacing back and forth.

"A little bit. I just wish Dave was here," I admitted. I was grateful to have Frances with me but I wanted Dave here to calm me down.

"I understand. It's three more days. We can make it 2 if you really want," Frances said. "We don't have to go sight seeing."

"I like that idea. Get me a flight after I finish The View tomorrow please," I said to my manager.

"I'll work on it while you're doing Fallon," he replied when a knock came at the green room door. Someone poked their head in.

"You're on after the first commercial Miss Lane. Be ready in 5," she said before closing the door again.

I paced back and forth for 4 minutes when someone else opened the door. "We need to walk to the stage now Miss Lane," he said.

I followed him out to where I had to go to wait before coming out. I shook my body to get rid of my nerves.

"Tongiht we have the lead singer of the vband Peace Punk but she's here to promote the new Father of the Bride movie that comes out on friday. Let's welcome Brittany Lane," I heard Jimmy Fallon say and the curtain opened in front of me. I smiled and walked over to the desk and shook his hand before heading towards the chair and sitting down.

"So you where here a month ago to perform with your band and now your here promoting your first movie Father of the Bride 3. What'sgoing on this time around? I mean he's dealt witha daughter getting married and then a new daughter and a grandchild," Jimmy said.

"Ya George has a crazy hectic life. Daughter goes to rome and then gets amrried. He has a daughter and grandson on the same day. Now he'sgotta deal with his son and youngest daughter getting married a week apart from each other," I responded.

"Wow. Poor George. Now so you play Megan Banks, the youngest. What was it like working with Steve Martin, Diane Keaton, Martin Short?" Jimmy asked.

"Oh my gosh is was amazing. Steve is hilarious. As is Martin. Diane was such a sweetheart and really gave me a lot of pointers which I appreciated so much. I loved working with Kimberly and Kieran. Everyone was great and friendly and so welcoming," I said with a smile.

"That's great. Now I have to ask about this. You made a few headlines before you left," he said trailing off.

"Oh my gosh. So I'm not gonna confirm anything except I went to the doctor. I wasn't feeling good and just went to get checked out.Dave was there for moral support. I mean don't all good boyfriends do that?" I asked with a smile.

"So you are dating Dave Grohl?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes I am," I confirmed.

"Well everyone go see Father of the Bride 3 out in theatres this friday. Thank you Brittany for being here and I hope you can stick around to play a game?" Jimmy asked.

"Sure," I replied. Well that was unexpected.

"And we're off!"

"Hey thanks for coming. We asked Frances if she would come play the game with us. I hopethat's ok with you," Jimmy asked as he walked me over to where the game was set up.

"Oh ya that's fine with me. Thanks again for having me. Such an honor," I replied.

"We gotta get you out here when tthe Foo Fighters come and you guys can do the new version of Learn To Fly. I love it," Jimmy said as Frances was brought out to join us. "Hey Frances. Thanks for coming out and joining us. I'm gonna introduce you. You and Brittany will be beside each other. Frances you'll be my team mate. I'll introduce Brittany's team mate, they'll come out, we play, we have fun."

"5 4 3....."

"Hey everybody we are back with Brittany Lane and her best friend Frances Cobain who was not planned to do this but we thank her for joining us. Are you ready to be my team mate Frances?" Jimmy asked.

"As readyas I can be and Thanks for asking me to join," Frances responded.

"Now Brittany you need a team mate and we have the perfect one here for you. Ladies and gentle please welcome Dave Grohl," Jimmy said.

Everyone started cheering and I just opened my mouth in happy shock. Dave came out and shook hands with Jimmy before hugging Frances and walking over to me.

"Hey you," he said and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed. I couldn't be happier than right now.

"Ok break it up you two. You gotta try and beat us," Jimmy said and we pulled apart. Dave went to stand across from me.

We played the game and we all walked off the stage. As soon as we where in the green room I jumped into Dave's arms and he caught me and held me tightly.

"Now that is what I wanted our first hug to be," Dave said before kissing my neck, cheeks, and lips. He put em down once he finished covering me in kisses.

"Why didn't you tell me when I was texting you?" I asked before kissing him only once on the lips.

"I was a surprise that your best friend here arranged," Dave replied and pointed at Frances.

"Frances I love you. This iswhy you're my sister," I said and hugged her.

"Well I'm tired of you complaining about missing him. Now I can go home and get Hunter out of those idiots house and get him back on track one day earlier," Frances replied and we walked out of the studio to the car.

Dave took Frances and I out to dinner that night before Frances caught a flight home. After we dropped Frances off at the airport, we headed back to the hotel to cuddle and watch a movie. Through out the movie Dave would rub my belly once in awhile. It made me smile. I was actually happy. I didn't have to hide being with him anymore.

Before we headed to bed, I checked my phone

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"Dave asked as he got back into bed.

"Lane confirms she's dating Foo Fighters frontman on Jimmy Fallon," I read out loud.

"Well I warned everyone ahead of time so no one should be surpried," Dave said. "By the way, the guys can't wait to see you.Your guys also can't wait."

"I miss all my guys,"I replied with a slight gigle.

"Now let's put this phone away because what I got planned right now doesn't involve it," Dave said as he grabbed my phone and put it on the night stand before rolling over on top of meand kissing me. Now this I really missed!

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