26. Dancing With The Spirits In The Square

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1 Month Later

So much has happened in the past month. Peace Punk had been offered a documentary on how we got into music and would record us on tour after the baby was born and join us for the recording of the second album. I had been offered to do another tv show by HBO that would be focused on my career as both a lead singer and actress and would also feature some light personal stuff. Frances and Hunter agreed to it too, which Iwas really surprised about. Rise Against had to back out of the tour after a week due to some kind of family emergencyand they ahd been replaced by Queens Of The Stone Age. Peace Punk had performed on Jimmy Fallon the night before the concert. I was now 6 months pregnant. We had done half the states and we where doing our first Canadian show tonight in Toronto. Frances and Hunter were both flying out for it as well.

The band and I were doing an interview before we had to go to sound check. I tried to keep my mouth shut during band interviews. When I did open my mouth the interviewer would always ask about Dave and the baby and if we where gonna get married. There ahd been no mention of marriage between Dave and I. Only that one time with Taylor. I obviously couldn't talk about that.

"So before we wrap up my editor will kill me if I don't ask something about Dave and Brittany," the interviewer said.

"What do you want to know?" Tyler asked for me.

"Just about the baby and touring. My editor loves celeb babies," she replied.

"I can handle that. What you got?" I asked.

"How far along are you?"

"I'm 27 weeks today," I replied.

"How has it been touring while pregnant?"

"It's been extrememly tiring but it's a new experience and I'm enjoying that," I replied with a smile.

"First tour and first baby in one. How are both of those going for you?"

"This first tour is amazing. We're going everywhere and seeing so much. I never expected so much so soon. Being pregnant during this just makes everything seem more magical. I mean I can be up on stage singing my heart out and that's amazing but then my little bean kicks and it goes from amazing to like woah this is freaking amazing," I replied.

"That sounds awesome. Now you and Dave. I gotta ask, what is it like for you guys being on tour, dating and having a baby together?"

"Well us touring together is awesome and hard at times but we manage to make it work. He's great when it comes to me and the baby though. We don't fight often but it happens. I mean all couples fight right?" I responded.

"With that being said, what do you have to say about what Dave said yesterday in his radio interview?" the interviewer asked.

"I'm sorry what do you mean?" I asked. What was he talking about?

"Well Dave said that he filed for divorce after Jordyn confessed to cheating on him before he hooked up with you the first time," the interviewer replied.


"I don't have a right to speak on that. What happened between Jordyn and Dave happened between them. It's not my place to speak. Have a good day," I said as I stood up and walked away.

I stormed off to my dressing room. I slammed the door when I got inside. I let out a scream. I looked around the room for my purse. I saw it, grabbed it and started going through it. A knock came at the door.

"Go away," I yelled as I kept looking through my purse. I knew deep down that what I was looking for wasn't going to be in there but I still looked.

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