88. Joy To The World

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5 Days Later- Feb 5th

"Do it yourself. God I'm so sick of fucking helping you," I yelled and walked out of the living room. If he wanted to continue fighting he'd have to get off his ass and follow me.

"Get back here. We're not finished," Dave said as I got to the stairs. I turned around and saw him come out of the living room shortly. I was glad Scotty and Frances had taken the kids for the night now.

"Well looks like you'll get off your ass to argue with me," I snapped as he kept walking towards me. He was suppose to be up walking around on his own now. He'd been downgraded back to using his cane finally but I was still helping him around and I was getting tired of it.

"Don't fucking snap at me. I asked you to get one thing for me and you decided to throw a tantrum like a two year old. I know I'm suppose to be fucking walking around and doing shit but it fucking hurts today," Dave shouted as he kept walking towards me.

"I didn't throw a tantrum. I've been doing literally fucking everything for the past 8 weeks and I'm tired. I'm so tired and stressed. I just want you to try and fucking do things for yourself now. If you had told me it hurt I would have happily done it but you didn't. You also didn't ask very nicely. I'm surprised this baby hasn't come yet from how stressed I am. My feet also hurt and my ankles are swollen," I said as I sat down on the stairs and started crying. Dave sat down beside me when he got there and pulled me into him.

"Thank you," he said after he kissed my head. I moved away and raised an eyebrow at him.

"For what?" I asked completely bewildered as I sniffled.

"For being an amazing wife and mother for the past 8 weeks. You took care of me and the kids. I know I was a handful for sure. You also managed to pull off Christmas, a new year eves party, a birthday party for your old crippled husband and a baby shower for your best friend. You're fucking super woman and I'm a lucky lucky guy," Dave said as he wiped the tears from my eyes. I put my hand on his cheek and leaned over and kissed him gently.

"I love you but you're not a crippled old man. You're just old man," I said. I said man like how a stoner would and he did a classic Dave laugh.

"I love you too. Thank you for walking into my secret rehearsal space and changing my life," he said and kissed me again.

"You're welcome. Thank you for giving me everything I ever wanted," I replied and we were about to kiss again but his phone went off.

"Hold that thought. It's Taylor," Dave said as he answered. "Hey T what's up?...Oh fuck that's great. Ya bring him over...Ok see you soon." I gave him a look as he hung up the phone.

"Is Abby having the baby?" I asked as Dave stood up and started going upstairs.

"Yes and Taylor is bringing Ollie over here on their way to the hospital,' Dave replied as he kept going upstairs.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I asked as I stood up and just watched him go up the rest of the stairs.

"Make up the other bed in Eric's room so Ollie has new sheets to sleep on," He replied as he walked over to the linen closet. I headed up the stairs and into Eric's room and waited for Dave to get there.

"I can do it babe. You can go rest if you want," Dave said when he walked in.

"It'll get done faster if we both do it. Team work baby," I said in response and winked at him. We made the bed and headed back downstairs as the door bell rang. I walked over and opened the door.

"Hey Britt. I can't stay but thanks for taking Ollie for us. Here's a bag of stuff he may need or want. We owe you guys," Taylor said as he handed me a bag before handing me Ollie.

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