11. Came Without A Warning

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We had picked the second house we saw that day. We could move in right away. The house came furnished, had 6 bedrooms, and was simple and beautiful. We had gone back to Frances' to help her pack up. She gave us each rooms to pack. Tyler and Kevin had come to help. I was given the living room. When I walked into the living room, I went straight for the tablebeside the couch where I had seen the picture the night before last. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of her and her dad. I just stood there looking at it. I felt bad for Frances for not getting to grow up with her father around. I looked down at my 1994 tattoo. I put the photo back down and started working.

Through out the day I had been texting Dave back and forth. He couldn't stop asking me random questions. Frances gave me a look everytime my phone went off. I hadn't just been texting Dave. I was also texting Nate and Taylor. Taylor and I had been exchanged emjois and random texts all day. Nate had messaged me first and asked what was going on last night in the bedroom when Dave pulled me away from everyone. I told him what happened and Nate told me he wouldn't tell anyone. I was slowly becoming friends with all these amazing people who I looked up to. I was extrememly blessed.

A few hours later, I was finishing up the living room. Tyler and Kevin where at the new house unpacking the kitchen and the dining room. Frances and Hunter came downstairs after packing up her studio, office and bedroom. They had already made one trip to the new house. They where about to make a second before coming back to get the living room.

"We'll be back in 30 to 45 minutes. You ok to be here by yourself?" Frances asked as Hunter carried the last box outside.

"Ya I'll be fine. I can sit here and read the book in my puse," I said.

"Ok. See ya soon." Frances said as she walked out the door.

I heard the car start and drive away from the house. I pulled out my phone out of my pocket and went through my contacts. I noticed that my bandmates areleady had nicknames, Ky, TyTy, Kevs, Garr and Gavs. I changed Frances to Queen Bean, Hunter to Hunty, Nate to Natey, Pat to Patty Cake, Chris to Shifty, and Taylor to TayTay. I looked at Dave's contact and didn't know what to change it too. I changed his from Dave G. FF to just Dave. I was putting my phone back in my pocket when a man walked into the house.

"Who are you?" he asked when he noticed me.

"Brittany. Who are you?" I asked back, crossing my arms. I knew exactly who he was but I wasn't gonna be polite to him.

"Oh Frances' new little friend. I'm Isaiah, her husband." he responded as he walked into the living room. He looked around at the almost empty shelves.

"So where is my wife?" Isaiah asked as he walked around the living room.

"She'll be back soon. She's taking things to the new place," I responded. I pulled my phone abck out as Isaiah headed towards the kitchen. I quickly texted both Frances and Tyler that Isaiah was at the house and I was scared. Tyler was the one who responded first.

"We're on our way. Try to get him out."

As I was about to put my phone away, Frances responded. "He's not suppose to be back for another 2 hours. Don't let him stay."

I put my phobne back in my pocket as Isaiah walked into the living room again.

"So looks like Frances was serious huh?" he said looking at me.

"Ya she was. Now you need to get the fuck out of this house. Frances and Tyler are on their way back and you aren't suppose to be here," I spoke as I walked towards him.

"It's my house once her shit is out of it," Isaiah shouted.

"Please just fucking leave before she gets here. I'm asking nicely." I really wasn't but that's as nice as this asshole was getting from me right now.

"That wasn't nice at all. I suggest you not tell me what to do while you're in my house,"He said, getting up in my face.

"Get the hell away from her!"

Isaiah and I looked towards the front door and saw Tyler standing there with Frances behind him. Isaiah stepped away from me.

"I see you have a new friend to leech off of you Frances," he said as she walked intot he house and over to me.

"How about you shut the fuck up. She's not like that. Now fuck off and let us move the rest of my stuff out," Frances shouted before storming into the living room and grabbing a box and heading back outside with it.

Tyler and I followed suit. We each grabbed a box and headed to Tyler's truck. The three of us quickly loaded the truck. As I put the last box in the bed of the truck, France gave her key to Isaiah and walk back towards the truck.

"That's it?" He called after her.

"Yes. Good bye Isaiah," she said as she got in the truck. Tyler walked out of the house with my purse and headed towards the truck. I got into the truck beside Frances and noticed she was crying. I put my arms around her and hugged her as Tyler started the truck and drove away. We stayed like this the whole drive back to the new place. I hugged her while she cried. By the time we got to the house Frances had stopped crying. She hugged me back and then I let go.

"Thanks Brittle," she said.

"It's what friends are for," I said with a smile.

We got out ofthe truckand started unloading the truck and moving the boxes inside. Tyler and Hunter drove me to the hotel to grab my stuff. I couldn't check out myself. I called my manager as we drove backto the house to tell him I was going to be rent a couple of rooms from a friend while I was here. He said he'd tell the car service and check out of the hotel for me.

We arrived at the house and started heading inside when my phone went off. I walked inside and read the text I had gotten.

"Oh my god no," I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. Tears started forming in my eyes.

The text read "Brittany. This is Kara's mom. Kara overdosed and passed away this morning. I'm know you girls were close at one point and I wanted you to know. She was having a hard time after Lana passed away and she has overdosed in the past but this time we wheren't around to save her."

I looked around and saw the keys to Frances's car. I grabbed them and ran out the door with my phone and purse.

"Brittany come back! What's wrong?" Hunter yelled as he ran out after me but I was already driving away when he got to where the car had been.

I drove for a few minutes and pulled over in front of a park. I wiped my eyes and grabbed my phone off the passenger seat. I sent a text to both Taylor and Dave and asked them both if they could meet me right now andthat it wasan emergency. I only needed one of them but who ever answered first was who I was gonna take. My phoen started ringign and was relieved when it was one of them and not Frances. I answered and put the phone to my ear and sniffled.

"What's wrong? Where do you want to meet?" he asked without me even saying hi.

"I don't know. I took Frances's car but I shouldn't be driving. I don't know how to get anywhere," I said as tears started falling down my cheeks again.

"Where are you? I'll come to you and you can either follow me somewhere or get in my car with me and we'll drop the keys off at the house so they can get the car and we go somewhere to talk."

"I'm not far from the house. I believe I'm two blocks past Tyler and Kevin's."

"Ok I'm on my way. Don't go anywhere." he said before hanging up the phone.

I put my phone on silent mode and put it in my purse. I sat there and put my hands on the steering wheel. I laid my head down on my hands and just let the tears come out. I thought about all the good times I had with Kara and Lana. I looked up and out the windshield. I took in a deep breathe and looked over at my purse. I could see my phone sticking out and all the texts I had.

I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone before he got here. I just wanted to cry.

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