53. First Birthday

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2 1/2 Weeks Later

Dave had out done himself on this birthday party. There was princess decorations and superhero ones too. He had gotten four cakes but we had 5 in total. Two small ones, one for each twin and three medium sized ones. One had a Batman theme to it while another one was a Frozen theme. The last one was the one I had made that plainly said "Happy 1st Birthday Kurt and Meredith!" There was 3 pinatas, two for the kids and one for the adults. Dave had invited my dad, Judith, Vera and Adele to come stay with us for the twins first birthday and they accepted. They would be leaving tomorrow but they'd be back for the wedding in 3 months.

"Babe should we get the cakes?" Dave asked as he came up to me. I was standing talking to Courtney and Frances.

"I guess. I'll be back ladies,' I said as we headed into the house.

"I'm glad you talked me out of Spiderman. Batman is better," Dave said as he pulled out Kurt's cake and put it on the counter.

"You went overboard on cake," I said as I took Meredith's Frozen cake out of the fridge. Dave and I switched positions so he could get the cake I made.

"Well you insisted on making one yourself. It looks good though," He said as he put it on the counter.

"I can't believe my babies are a year old today," I said and stuck put my bottom lip.

"I know. We met two years ago too," Dave replied as he took out the small cakes for Kurt and Meredith to smash and eat themeselves.

"Atleast my dad, step mom and sisters came out. Vera and Adele have been playing with them non stop since they got here," I said with a smile. Dave wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulders.

"No comment on what I said?" he asked as he kissed my shoulder.

"I have no idea when the hell we met," I responded.

"June 3, 2 years ago tomorrow," he said as he let go of me and walked over to the door.

"Taylor, Chris, Pat and Nate, I need help," Dave called out the door. I put a candle on each of the little cakes and the spraklers in the cake I made. The guys walked into the kitchen as I finished.

"Taylor take Batman, Chris Frozen, Nate and Pat take the little cakes and I'll take the sparkler one," Dave said as I lit both sparklers. They picked up the cakes and headed outside with the cakes. I lit the candles and headed outside with Pat and Nate.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kurt and Meredith. Happy birthday to you," everyone sang as Nate and Pat put the small cakes in front of Kurt and Meredith.

They where confused what was going on but they laughed when everyone clapped. Dave and I where on either side of them trying to get them tob low out the candles. Eventually Dave and I just blew the candles out ourselves and took the candles out. Kurt and Meredith both put their hands in the cakes as soon as we got the candles out and started "eating" the cake. Kurt reached in for a fourth handful and instead of eating it, he put his hand on Dave's face. Everyone started laughing.

"I hope you got that on tape," I said as I turned to look at Hunter and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Kurt you eat the cake not put it in my face," Dave said as he tried wiping it off as he stood up.

Taylor and Abby went to cutting the cakes for the kids and adults to eat. They barely touched the cake I made. When I saw there was cake left after everyone had a piece, I decided to be a trouble maker. I picked up a handful of cake as Chris watched me. I put ym finger to my lip so he wouldn't say anything and I walked over to Dave, who had a clean face by now. I leaned over and looked at his face.

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