20. Didn't Lay Down And Die

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After dinner we all did the dishes together. I cleared the table and put away left overs, Hunter washed, Dave dried and Frances put the dishes away. We settled down to play my favorite board game ever, The Game of Life Twists & Turns, when someone rang the door bell. Frances got up to get it while Hunter set up the game. My manager walked into the living room with Frances a minute later.

"We got a problem. Someone got pictures of you two together leaving your doctors appointment today and it's all over TMZ and the internet. It's nothing like what they've been posting. Google Dave's name," he said.

We all pulled out our phones and searched for Dave and there it was.

"Did Foo Fighters' Grohl leave wife and kids for a new one with Peace Punk's Lane?"

"What the fuck?" Dave exclaimed. "They don't even know half the shit that went on between me and Jordyn. FUCK!" He stormed out of the living room and upstairs to my room. We all heard the door slam.

"This is bad," Hunter said.

"This is worse than bad," Frances said.

"Great. How are we gonna do this? They're gonna ask while I'm out promoting this movie. What do I do?" I asked my manager.

"Well my advice is to just admit you and Dave are together. It's been a rumor for awhile now because of the upcoming tour and the rehearsals for it. The single didn't help either after he left Jordyn. You and him need to have a talk and decide what to do, but I highly suggest that you guys comfirm that you are together as a couple and not just friends like you've been saying," he responded.

"I'll go talk to Dave then. I'll be back in a bit. Don't go yet," I said as I stood up. I went upstairs to my room and opened the door. He was on the phone.

"I gotta go deal with this but I called to let you what's being posted out there. Bye Jordyn," he said as I closed the door. He patted the bed beside him and I sat down. I knew he was only calling her because of the kids and that this would affect them in some way.

"What do you want to do? I know what I want but you're the one whose wanted to keep this quiet because of my girls," he said. This was true. I wanted to keep it quiet because of Violet, Harper and Ophelia.

"My manager says it's best to confirm the relationship. I don't know about the baby though," I answered.

"Well how's this, when you're asked if we're together, you say yes and when you're ready to confirm the baby you just do it. I just ask that you tell me before you confirm it though,"he said.

"Deal. Now let's go tell my manager so he can leave and we can just relax," I said as I stood up and opened the door.

"There's something I gotta do first," he said as he stood up and walked over to me.

"What?" I asked.

"This," he said and kissed me. I closed the door again and just got lost in our little moment together. This was a big step for us. We didn't want to at first but then the Foos new album came out and the rumors started after we went to the release party together. Dave had also said in press that him and Jordyn had spilt for good. That hadn't helped the rumors either.

I had been gone 10 minutes when Dave and I both returned tothe living room with smiles on our faces.

"So did you guys figure it out? Tell me something," my manager asked when we walked in.

"We're gonna confirm the relationship but not the baby until I'm ready," I replied.

"Great. I will see you in the morning at the airport. Dave I guess I'll see you as well. Bye everyone. I'll see myself out," my manager said and left.

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