18. There You Go Making Me Fall In Love Again

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Dave's Point of View

I had just dropped Brittany off at home and was heading home to tell Jordyn that I was done. What the fuck was I gonna say? How was I gonna tell Jordyn I was in love with Brittany and I was going back to her? How was I gonna tell her Brittany was pregnant?

My head was racing as I pulled into my drive way. I pulled into the garage and headed inside. I looked in the kitchen, living room, laundry room, and the basement for Jordyn. She wasn't in any of those places. I headed upstairs and went to check on the girls before I found Jordyn.

I opened Ophelia's door and walked in. I leaned over her bed and gave her a gentle kiss on the head. I left and headed to Harper's room. I did the same thing to Harper before heading to Violet's room. She was still awake when I opened the door.

"Hey dad," she said putting her book away.

"Hey sweetie. Time for bed," I said. Violet got into bed.

"I'm glad Brittany came tonight. I miss seeing her," Violet said to me as she laid down and I tucked her in.

"She misses you too. Maybe you'll get to see her again soon. Good night sweetie," I said and kissed her forehead. She kissed me on my cheek before I stood up and walked to the door.

"Night daddy. I love you," Violet said as I started closing the door.

"I lvoe you too sweetie," I responded before closing the door.

I headed towards the bedroom. It was now or never. I walked in and saw Jordyn sitting on the bed.

"Glad to see you came back," she said and stood up to come voer tome.

"Wait! I need to say some things and you need to listen," I said and Jordyn sat back down. "First off, I can't do this anymore. I never should have come back when you asked me for a second chance. I fell in love with her after two days.I didn't planit. It just happened."

"Well great. What about the girls?" Jordyn asked.

"We'll go back to the way it was before I came back. I'll take them on weekends when I'm in town and they will spend time with me and Brittany," I responded.

"So that's it then?"

"Pretty fucking much," I responded. I headed towards my closet to pack up my clothes.

I packed up what I could into two suitcases and headed back into the bedroom and placed them by the door so I could pack up my bathroom stuff. I walked out and towards the door and turned around to look abckat Jordyn. She looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"Sorry I've got another confession to make," I said. "Brittany's pregnant. 8 weeks on my birthday."

I picked up my suitcases and walked out of the bedroom and out to the garage. I placed my suitcases the trunk and loaded up as many of my guitars into the backseat that I could and headed to what I had now considered home. Taylor and I were gonna be roommates again. I texted Taylor while I was at a red light and told him what I just did. He said he'd wait up for me so we could talk and have a beer.

I pulled into the garage and got out ofthe car. I left my suitcases and guitars in the car and went straight inside.

"Tay!" I shouted.

"Yo keep it down. We're not the only ones here," Taylor responded as he came around the corner.

"Whose here?" I aksed.

"Brittany.She showed up about 30 minutes ago crying. Said she was scared and worried. She passed out on the couch about 5 minutes ago so I carried her up to your room," He answered.

"Dude I think I'm just gonna head to bed. I missed that woman and all I want is to fall asleep with her beside me,"I said and headed towards my room.

"ok but you and Jordyn are offically done now?" Taylor asked.

"Yes," I responded reaching the hallway that led down to the master bedroom.

"Night Dave," Taylor called after me as I started down the hallway.

Brittany's Point of View

"Night Taylor," I heard from outside the door. I realized I wasn't on the couch anymore. Taylor must have moved me. I was about to sit up when the door opened. Dave walked in.

"Oh you're awake," he said and walked over to the other side ofthe bed and took his shirt off.

"You woke me up saying good night toTaytay. What are you doing here? What happened?" I asked as I laid back down facing him.

"I left. I told her everything and I left. I want you and I meant it. Jordyn and I are over. Now let's go to sleep because I have missed sleeping next to you," Dave responded as he finsihed taking off his jeans and socks before getting into the bed.

"I don't want to say I'm happy but I am. I have done nothing but miss you since you went back to her," I said as he put a hand on my hip.

"I know I just royally fucked up my life but I'm happy. This has always felt right,"Dave said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Don't squish the baby bean!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not gonna squish him," he said before kissing my neck.

"And what makes you think it's a boy?" I giggled from his facial hair tickling me.

"I got a feeling. I could be wrong but either way I'll be happy," He said as he pushed me onto my back.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as he put a finger between my skin and pj pants and started pulling themdown.

"I wanna see two things. I'll cover you back in a second," he said as he started kissing my belly. "Hi little bean......" he said before moving down to my left hip. "...and hello little tattoo of my initials." He kissed the tattoo that I had gotten while drunken before I knew him and then pulled my pants back up he little bit he had pulled them down.

"There you go making me fall in love again," I said. I kissed him and snuggled into his arms.

"I'll never stop. Even when I annoy the shit out of you," he said and kissed me, "Good night beautiful."

"Good night," I responded before drifting off to sleep.

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