51. Dressed To Kill

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6 Months Later

We had finished the tour a week ago. The documentary was half complete. They would be coming back when we recorded the second album. The tv show had also been filmed while we where on tour. Dave and Taylor had managed to work things out during the tour. The first two months of the tour, Dave had spent every night with me and Peace Punk. He had refused to talk to Taylor until Taylor ended up in the hospital after drinking too much. Dave never left Taylor's bed side while he was in the hospital and neither did I. Seeing Dave like that broke my heart and I prayed for three days that Taylor would wake up. Dave had been asleep when Taylor woke up. I had smacked Dave 7 times on the arm before he woke up to bitch at me but stopped when I pointed at Taylor. Jordyn and Dave had signed the divorce papers just before christmas and on Dave's birthday we made the annoucement that we were engaged. While we were touring I did as much wedding planning as I could with the help of Frances via skype, texts, emails and calls. I only had 4 months to get everything finished for the wedding. Dave and I were sitting at the table going over our wedding party and guest list before Dave had to go to the studio.

"Best man?" I asked as him as he finished writing out who he wanted to invite.

"Krist," he replied as he stood up from the table. Dave had chosen Krist as his best man and Taylor, Pat, Chris, Nate, Josh and Butch as his wedding party. I gave him Scotty as my choice for a grooms men. I had chosen Frances as my maid of honor and Karli, Carrie, Shelby, Lynz, Chantal and my new friend Abby, who was dating Taylor, as brides maids. Dave gave me Jordyn as his choice for a brides maid. When we asked her if she wanted to be a brides maids, she said it was weird but she would do it because we had become friends.

"Frances and Krist walking down the aisle together. That's just gonna be hilarious," I said as I wrote down Krist beside best man in my wedding book.

"They'll just have to deal with it. I'll see you later bab. I gotta go," he said before kissing the top of my head.

"Bye," I called after him as he walked out of the kitchen. I called Frances and waited for her to answer.

"Hey sis," she said when she finally answered.

"Hey so do you want to go look at bride's maids dresses with me. Dave just left and the nanny is here and I don't want to sit around and be bored," I said.

"I'm with Lynz and Chantal right now but ya I'm down," Frances replied.

"Well they can come too. They're in the wedding party after all. I'll meet you there," I said as I stood up and grabbed my purse off the kitchen counter.

"Sounds good. We'll see you soon," she replied before she hung up.

I got in my car and headed to the place where I got my wedding dress. Gloria, the woman who owned the shop, had kept her promise and didn't tell anyone about me getting my dress there. She always let us park in the back so the paparazzi didn't know when we where there. When I pulled in, I saw Frances's car in the parking lot. I got out and headed inside. I could hear a camera clicking in the distance and knew either Frances had been followed or I had. I walked in through the back door and Gloria came in to see who had just entered through the back door.

"Oh it's just you. I thought maybe you where one fo those paparazzi guys. One of them tried to come in here after your last dress fitting. They wait out there for you," she said as we walked into the dressing room area. Three of the four curtains where closed. I saw Jordyn sitting there reading a magazine.

"Hey Jordyn. Did Frances call you?" I asked as she stood up and came over to us.

"Ya she did. I'm fine with whatever you pick but they each picked out a different dress for you to choose. The girls are also looking for their dresses. Dave said they could each get their own," Jordyn replied.

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