46. You're The One That Started It

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The door bell rang just as I hopped off the counter.

"You expecting someone?" Dave asked me.

I shook my head no. Dave did up his pants and belt as I looked around for my panties. I didn't get a chance to find them when Dave grabbed my hand and took me to the door with him. Dave opened the door and I stood there in shock.

"Brittany! My best friend ever," Daisy said as she ran in and hugged me. Dave gave me a look as I continued to look shocked.

"Daisy how the hell did you find me?" I asked as she pulled away from me. Dave's face changed as he realised this was the one person from my past I never wanted to see besides my mom.

"Scotty told me when he was here. I hitchhiked to get here. I freaking missed you," Daisy said as Dave moved closer to me.

"Well why are you here?" I asked as I put my arm around Dave's waist. He did the same to me.

"I missed you. I'm better now. I got help and I want to patch this up," she replied.

"You can stay for awhile. You fuck up once and I'm sending you back home," I told her as the doorbell rang again.

"Ok. Thank you," she said as Dave opened the door. Frances was there.

"Hey Dave," Frances said as she walked in. Daisy turned around and looked Frances up and down. Frances did the same to Daisy.

"Frances this is Daisy. Daisy this is my best friend Frances and my fiance Dave," I said.

"Nice to meet you both," Daisy said.

"Like wise," Frances responded before heading to the living room where one of the twins was crying.

"I'll take your bag upstairs for you. We're having steak for dinner tonight if that's ok with you," Dave said as he picked up her bag from where she dropped it when she ran int to hug me.

"That's fine and thansk Dave," Daisy replied as he started upstairs.

"Thanks baby," I said and he looked over his shoulder and smiled. He kenw I was freaking out on the inside.

"Did I hear a baby?" Daisy asked as we walked into the living room.

"There's more than one," I said as I walked voer and picked up Meredith who had started crying.

"You had twins!?" Daisy half asked half exclaimed.

"Yup. Kurt and Meredith. Kurt after my dad and Meredith after Britt's favorite Grey's Anatomy character," Frances said as she sat down on the couch with Kurt.

"He's so cute," Daisy said as she leaned over the couch to look at Kurt.

"I think they're hungry," I said as Dave came back downstairs.

"I'm on it," He said as he walked through the living room. Daisy followed him into the kitchen. I wanted to follow her but I also wanted to talk to Frances.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Frances whispered.

"I don't fucking know. She just showed up. No word or anything," I whispered back.

"Go into the kitchen and keep an eye on here," Frances whispered and nudged me with her foot towards the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen with Meredith and saw Daisy inches away from Dave as he was waiting for the bottles to heat up.

"What's going on in here?" I asked. Daisy moved away from Dave as he stayed in one spot. I noticed his knuckles where white from holding onto the counter.

"Nothing. Just saying he smelt good," Daisy said as she headed over to the table. She was about to sit down when she said, "Ewwwww!" She picked up my panties off the chair and threw them towards me.

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