29. Moving On Up

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I woke up the next day before Dave. I got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I started making coffee when Frances walked into the kitchen.

"Please tell me you went and saw the baby's room before you came down here. You didn't look last night and I kinda want you to see it before Dave does," Frances said as she walked up to where I was.

"I'll go look right now," I said and headed back upstairs. I opened the door to what use to be my office and my mouth opened in amazement. I walked in and just looked around. It looked absolutely amazing. I noticed my posters had been framed and hung up in here. I turned around and looked above the change table at the painting. The same one that had been in the room I stayed in the first time I stayed at Frances'. I rubbed my belly as I looked at the painting. Frances had also hung it in my room when we moved in because I told her I liked it.

"So what do you think?" Frances asked from the door.

"It's amazing. Thank you so much. He has an amazing loving god mother," I replied looking away from the painting.

"I thought I'd put it in here now.You really like that one," she said as she walked into the room.

"I never asked you this but did your dad paint it?"

"Ya he did. It's one of the few I have. My mom has the rest," she replied as we both stared at the painting.

"Wow this looks amazing. Good job Frances," Dave said from the door way. He was aboutto say something else when he started sniffing the air. He left and went downstairs. We waited for him to get to the kitchen.

"FRESH POT!" we heard him yell and we both started laughing.

"Frances I really like what you did. It's blue, it's perfect and this just tops the cake," I said pointing at the painting," Thanks sis."

"No problem sis. Now let's go have some coffee before you go order the guys around and discuss this baby shower that's in a few days," Frances said as we hugged.

"Sounds good to me," I replied as we started heading downstairs.

Later That Day

"That's a box of breakables. Be carfeul please Shifty," I yelled as Chris almost walked into a wall.

"Sorry Britt," Chris called out as he headed to Dave's room with the box.

I sat down on the stairs and just watched everyone mvoing my boxes in and Taylor's out. I started rubbing my belly as Kurt started kicking again.

"Hey are you slacking on me?" Taylro asked as he sat down beside me on the stairs.

"No just tired. I out ice creamed myself last night. I got cookie dough wasted," I replied as I kept rubbing my belly.

"He kicking?" Taylor asked.

"Ya," I replied and Taylor put his hand on my bump.

"Hey little guy. Don't kick mommy too much. We need her to keep your daddy from slacking off," Taylor said my belly.

"I'm not the one sitting around doing nothing right now," Dave said as he carried a box out the door.

"I better head to my place. The first car should be packed again. I'll see you once my stuff is all over at my place.You're still making tator tot casserole for dinner right?" Taylor asked as he stood up.

"You bet. See you later," I said as he walked out the door. Dave walked back in as Taylor walked out. He looked at me and stopped.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

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