35. Yankee Doodle Sweetheart

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1 Month Later

We had been living here a month now and things where coming together. We had the house set up. I was still finding places to put things like pictures, knick knacks, paintings and other little trinkets. I was doing ok with being a new mom. I only had a couple of bad days when Dave was at the studio all day and I was left alone. Dave had come home both nights and found me crying in the corner of the bathroom. After the second time, Dave made sure Hunter would be home incase he had to stay at the studio late.

Dave was working on some new demos while he had the time off. He was also working with Tyler on demos for Peace Punk. Tyler and I had written a bunch while on tour. We couldn't wait to get in the studio. In a few days we would be doing the interviews for the documentary about the band. Each of us had been sent over questions that we would have to answer. Things like how we got into music, what and who our musical inspirations where and are,and just other simple questions about us like where we grew up and stuff.

I was going over the questions again while the twins slept when the home phone rang. I got up and answered it.

"Hello," I said into the phone.

"Hey babe. I'm calling to remind you the guys are coming for the barbeque in a bit. Tyler and I will be there in an hour or so. We're just finishing this song up and heading to get the food. I can't wait to get my hands on that girll," Dave said.

"Asparagus?" I asked.

"Yes I'll buy tons. You get to drink tonight too. Anything special you want? I can text it to Tay right now," he asked.

"Not really. Just the usual. Not really in the mood for drinking," I replied.

"You feeling ok?" Dave asked, sound worrying.

"Ya I'm fine. Just not ready yet I guess," I replied as one of the babies started crying.

"I'll be home in an hour. Go get the baby. Chris should be there soon. I love you," Dave said.

"Love you too," I said before hanging up the phone and heading upstairs to the nursery. When it was just me I had to put a baby in the nursery and one in mine and Dave's room. The crying was coming from my room. Meredith was the one crying. I opened one of the doors to our room and walked in.

"Hey baby girl. Mama is here," I said as I picked Meredith up and started rocking her. She stopped crying and looked at me.

"You just wanted to be held huh?" I asked softly. Meredith smiled at me. The door bell rang just then.

"Let's go see who that is," I said as I started walking towards the stairs.

I walked down the stairs and opened the door to see Chris and Nate standing there. I stepped out fo the way so they could come in

"Hey Britt. We thought we'd come early and help get some things ready," Chris said as he walked in with 3 flats of beer and headed towards the kitchen.

"You're wearing your pjs to the BBQ?" Nate asked as he looked at me.

"I was going over the documentary interview questions and didn't realize what time it was until Dave called and she started crying," I replied.

"Want me to take her so you can get ready?" he asked as Chris came back.

"No I wanna hold her. Besides you gotta put the bags in the kitchen," Chris said. I didn't have time to argue as Chris took Meredith from me.

"Fine but I get Kurt if he wakes upsoon," Nate said as he headed to the kitchen.

"Dave is picking up the hot dogs, burgers and cheese. Taylor is bringing alcohol that isn't beer. Pat I think said he was bringing more beer and chase for the drinks. I know your band mates are bringing random things to munch on. Oh Tyler and Kevin are bringing lots of pop and a little something for you. I also got the same something for you," Chris said as we walked upstairs. Nate joined us once he was done putting the bags in the kitchen. We were walkingto the nursery when Kurt started crying.

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