81. Thanks For The Line

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1 Month Later - June 1

"You excited to go home and see those gorgeous kids and man of yours?" Angie, my room mate asked me as I packed up. I had checked myself into a rehab facility. I was dead set on getting and staying clean.

"Ya I am. I can't wait to hug all of them," I said as I went back over to my dresser and took out the last of my clothes. I checked my watch and realized Abby would be here soon. Angie picked the picture I had of every single one of us in it off the mirror. We where all smiling. It was taken right after we got home from the concert. Chantal had her polaroid camera and snapped the picture of us sitting on the couch. Violet, Harper and Ophelia sat in front of the couch while Dave and I sat on the couch with Meredith on Dave's lap, me holding Eric and Kurt standing behind us, sticking his head between mine and Dave's.

"They're really cute. I'm gonna miss looking at this everyday. I know it's yours but seeing all of you smiling just gave me a little bit of strength," Angie said as she continued to take down the rest of my pictures as I put my clothes in the suitcase and did it up.

Each one documenting that final night. There was one of me and Jordyn where I was holding her hand with my eyes and mouth wide open and pointing at it while looking at the camera. Another of Chantal, Frances and I being goofballs. Abby and I with Ollie, each of us kissing a cheek. Taylor and I sticking our tongues out. Frances, Abby, Chantal and I looking gorgeous and amazing. Taylor, Abby, Dave and I all together smiling. My three favorite pictures where of Dave and I. One was of us smiling and looking like everything was fine, even though it wasn't. The next one was us making a goofy face at each other. The last one was my favorite. I loved when someone managed to capture a rare moment of us. In the picture Dave was whispering into my ear and I was smiling. No one but us knew what was happening. Jimmy had given it to me later that night and told me to never forget that moment because I looked truley happy.

"This is my fav pic though. You guys are so cute together. I'm Team Brave all the way," Angie said as she held up the one of Dave whispering in my ear. I smiled as I looked at it.

"That's my favorite too," I said as I took the pictures from her.

"What was he whispering to you?" she asked as I put them in my purse. I turned back to face Angie and smiled.

"Well I had told everyone there that night I was going to rehab when we got back to the house. He was telling me how much he loved me, how beautiful I was and that he was the luckiest guy in the world," I replied as I saw Abby at the door.

"I'm so rooting for you guys," Angie said as Abby walked in.

"Hey you," I said as I ran over and hugged her. She hugged me tightly and I got all teary eyed.

"I'm here to bust you out. Everyone can't wait to see you including your kids but I'm pretty sure the person most excited to see you is Dave," Abby said once we pulled apart.

"I think that feeling is mutal. Well I'm packed and ready. Bye Angie. I'm gonna miss you," I said as I turned around and hugged her.

"Bye Brittany," Angie said as Abby and I grabbed my suitcases and purse. I waved good bye and we headed towards the front desk. I signed the papers to let me leave and they cut my wrist band off. We headed towards the parking lot. I was surprised to see Taylor and Ollie there. I dropped my bag and ran over to Taylor and hugged him.

"God I missed you Taytay," I said once we pulled apart.

"I missed you too Brit. Let's get you home to that family of yours," Taylor said as I bent down to hug Ollie as Abby put my bags in the trunk. Ollie and I got in the back as Taylor and Abby got in the front. They talked about what was going on with them and that they were expecting another baby. Abby really wanted a girl this time. They asked how I was doing and how things went in treatment and I told them. When we pulled into the drive way I saw a banned over the front door that said welcome home. Taylor honked the horn a few times as Abby and I got out of the car. We were taking my bags out of the trunk when the front door opened and closed. I looked up and saw Dave. I dropped what I was holding and ran and jumped into his arms.

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