Run away

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                      Taylor's POV
"Taylor, I swear if you don't get your ugly self down here in three seconds, I'm going to beat you till your nothing but bone!" Mr Fredrick screamed. I bolted down stairs faster then usual.
I hated them. I hated the Fredricks, I hate the foster system, I hated my life so far. I stood in the doorway with my hands behind my back.
"Ye-yes Sir?" I quivered in fear. He can right up to my face so we were nose to nose. He reeked of alcohol, which caused me to gag inside.
He shook his head and clicked his tongue.
"Taylor, that was 5 seconds. And what did I clearly say?"
"Three seconds, but I am so sorry sir it won't happened again-"
"I don't want apologies coming from a rat." He hissed and slapped me hard across the face to the point where I fell to my knees.
My cheeks stung as I rose to my feet.
"Alice wants to make Salmon tonight, but we are out of vegetables," he said loudly and put $10 in my hand, "Be a dear and go get some?" I was about to go before he whispered in my ear, "Now get out, before . I. Kill. You."
NYC isn't nessicerly the safest place for a 15 year old but neither is the current world Foster system, so you know, win,win.
The one market in town was quite busy, but I didn't feel like going to the one 6 blocks away.
"Hi Taylor!" The head of the Market, Ginny, wrapped me in a big hug.
"Hey Gin!" I beamed at her.
"Ahh, what can I do for my best customer!" She placed her hands on her hips.
"Alice wants Salmon but we're out of vegetables." I rolled my eyes.
"I see, so I recommend a small bottle of capers, some onions, celery, and, I know this isn't a vegetable, but maybe some honey?" She suggested and I nodded.
"Sounds great! Here-" I handed her the ten dollars, but she didn't take it.
"On me." She winked.
"Thank you!" I smiled and ran out of the market and back home.
When I opened the door, Kyle, The Fredricks Son, was waiting for me.
"Didn't my dad tell you to be quick!?" He got real close.
"No he didn't Kyle, can I put these in the kitchen please?" I said sarcastically, but I regretted it after I got the replied a punch in the jaw.
"Don't talk to me like that." He shook his head, and walked away.
I put my hand to my jaw but regretted it. It felt like someone had shot me in the mouth.
I hated them. Oh I wanted them to suffer I wanted them to burn.
I unclenched my hands an noticed I still had the vegetables, and ten dollars in my hand.
My next decision changed my whole life.
I threw open the front door and ran. Ran to who knows where, just somewhere.
And I finally felt free.
I plopped down on a rock somewhere. I lost a lot of breathe while I was running cause you know what, I am a teenager, and not all teenagers can be perfect runners.
"Excuse me?" A man with a black ponytail tapped my shoulder. It couldn't be.
"Are you ok?" He crouched down at my level, and I knew it was true.
It was Lin-Manuel Miranda.
"Oh my gosh! Your Lin, Oh my goodness how freaky, dang you Taylor, ug I'm sorry." I reached out to shake his hand.
"It's ok," he laughed, grabbed my hand then helped me stand up, "so your names Taylor?"
"Yeah... just Taylor."
"Well Taylor, what are you doing in the middle of New York, with a baseball size bruise on your jaw?"
"Oh um," I stuttered, "Can we walk and talk? I haven't walked in a while..." I lied, but he nodded.
"I tripped over a rock and smacked my face on the concrete." I shrugged.
"How long ago was that?" He asked .
"I dunno, maybe 6 hours ago?" I felt awful for lying like that.
"Well I'm very sorry to here the Taylor. Here," he pulled out his phone, and gave it to me, "put in your number, I'd love to talk some more."
"Oh sure!" I smiled.
"It was nice meeting you!" He smiled and walked away.

That was when I screamed internally.

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