Morning of The Cruise

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*Small announcement at bottom of chapter...

I hope you enjoy:)

Lins POV
I had to wake up at 6:00 in the morning, yet I was still very ecstatic about our trip to Puerto Rico. I really want Ocean to see my culture, and basically kinda where I grew up.
  "GOOD MORING MY DEAR NIÑITA!" I skipped into her room and hollered. She moaned and flipped onto the other side of her bed.
  I groaned and sat on the side of her bed, and shook her.
"Stop being tired Niñita, we go on the cruise today!"She flipped to face me and her eyes opened.
"The cruise is today?" She asked softly.
"Osh, I told you this." I smiled weakly and grabbed her back to lift her from her bed.
  "Dad it's to early..." her head hung like she was still asleep.
"Well if you get up now you get French toast..." I said mischievously, and watched her jump out of bed.
Oceans POV
Lin offered me French Toast, and French toast is the only scientific thing to wake up Ocean Queen Anne Miranda in the morning. I let my hair stay straight, and I threw on a light blue dress, and tan heels.
  "Dad, I want my French toast," I pouted, and he laughed up at the stove.
  "Someone's looking quite fancy for the cruise." He laughed.
   "Hardy, Har, Har," I laughed mockingly, "I just think maybe, just maybe, I could start dating again."
  Lin dropped his spatula.
"Niñita, is fame doing this to you? Making you think you always need love when you don't?"
   "No, Dad, I just... I felt so happy when I was dating Liam, a feeling that could never be explained, and now I want it with someone who's trust worthy."
He sighed, and smiled weakly. "I'll do whatever makes you happy matter how hard it to explain. Oh your French toast is ready!" He slipped the toast in my plate.
   "Dad why were you blessed with the gift of making French toast?" I said as I stuffed my Face, and he laughed.
  "I wasn't; I learned cause I knew you like it." I smiled.
  "Rise and Shine! Vanessa strut down the stairs holding Cate and Sebastian. Lin got up and took Sebastian, then kissed her on the cheek.
"Morning V! Have your bags packed?" Lin asked cheerily.
  "Yes I do Lin... even the special thing Captain Kelly asked us to were." Vanessa wiggles her eyebrows.
  "Wait we're having dinner with Captain Kelly!?" I spit out my food a bit, and my family laughed.
  "Yeah, your Dad offered him Hamilton tickets if we could eat dinner at the Captains table," She sat Cate down in her high chair.
  "Dad that's awesome." I said.
"I think it pretty cool myself ," he dusted off his shoulder.
  "I'm going to go down to Richard Rodgers before we go, is that ok dad?"  I asked, arising.
  "Yeah sure. Be back by 8 am." He said and shooed me away.
"Ocean!" Leslie exclaimed and went into hug me.
  "It's so good to see you Leslie. It's been ages." I patted his back and looked around the theatre.
  "It truely has. Everyone's backstage, let's go say hi, there gonna be really excited to meet you." He grabbed my hand and ran backstage.
  "Guys look! Oceans back." The whole cast smiled and clapped,while I bowed.
  Jazzy walked over to hug me.
  "It's been to long Mariah... far to long." She squeezed me tightly.
  "Aww Jazz." I blushed a bit.
" So," Daveed stepped forward, "What have you been up to?"
I pushed back my hair a bit.
  "I'm leaving for Puerto Rico today." I did a little smile.
"When are you gonna be back?" Oak questioned, "We don't want you to disappear again!"
  "I actually don't know, my Dad hasn't told me yet." I decided not to tell them about Liam, cause I know that Daveed would crush him, and I am not over reacting.
  "Well I want pictures!" Pippa said in the crowd.
  "Will do,"  I laughed.
"Ocean," Anothey stepped forward, "Can we sing it's Quiet uptown? Before you go?"
I nodded and walked over to the piano with the rest of the cast and cleared out my thought.
"It's Quiet uptown..."
Hey Guys,
I feel like I haven't been doing these note things as much so I'm gonna do them after every chapter now, just so you know where the book is going. :)
  I feel like everyone kinda "interacts" with other Taken in, or Adopted by Books, and I really want that for my book. I really just want people talking in the the conversation thing on my profile, and commenting ideas for chapters. You can even criticize my work (just don't be evil I'm still human ;))  I just really want people to interact with the story.
                     I really hope you like this chapter! :)

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