Rehersal and Questions.

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Luckily for me Kyle wasn't here. None of the Juniors were, so it was just me Gabby , Abi, and my new friend, Riley.
Chorus was good. Word got out about the single, and the Chorus teacher wanted me to sing it. I guess if it means spreading the word. I only have 2 months to get on the charts.When I finished the song, I got a standing ovation, even from Kyle's dorky friends.

Biology was awful as always. Abi and I just talked in the back of the class the whole time.

Chemistry is really fun. One time Kasey Adams spilled our lab all over Kevin and his hair turned blue.

In History we coincidentally learned about Marquis de Lafayette. Every had turned to stare at me.

APUSH. It's the special history class some kids got put in. It's basically for the kids who are good at history. We had a meeting in the auditorium today. I swear I heard Lin's name but who knows. I sat next to Abi in the front row.

"Hey I heard you were in the Hospital," Abi said with sorrow in her eyes.

"Yeah," I said, avoiding the question.

"Listen you know I'm here for you. You know I uh I was bullied too." I was about to reply when the meeting began.

"Hello Hello Hello! I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda, but everyone calls me Lin.
Today the Cast of Hamilton and myself are doing a Q and A! While we introduce ourselves, my Foster daughter will go around and write your questions on a pad of paper." Lin said, handing me paper.

I got up and grabbed the paper from Lin.

"How come you never told me you were coming!?" I whispered.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He shrugged.
I walked around and got everybody's questions, and Lin invited me to sit up with the cast.

"And this is Taylor. She's manning the Q and A. Let's begin." Lin said.

Most of the questions were the average
"How long did it take to write the play?" And "If you could be," but the best was when someone asked Lin if he was married and Vanessa said No and started kissing him. 

When it was finished, Lin told me,
"Meet me in my car,"
So of course I told my teacher I was dismissed and ran to Lin's car, a hopped in.

"How'd I do?" He asked.

"Good. Vanessa! That was literally the funniest thing you've ever done." I laughed.

"Well......" She said lowering her voice every second.

"Ha." Lin said.

"Isn't rehearsal at 3?"I asked

"Yeah but get into more comfortable clothes, dancing in jeans isn't really fun." He said.

So I jumped out of the car and threw on a sweatshirt and black leggings.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied, and he put his foot on the pedal .
I walked into the dance room and saw the Cast rehearsing What'd I miss.
"Hey guys!" I said waving when they finished the number.

"Hey Girl! Ready to work on Schyluer sisters?" Pippa asked giddily.

"Yeah!" I smiled.

"Alright! 5,6,7,8!"

Hello people!!
Thank you so much for 1.12k reads! It means so much to me.
I have nothing else to say so Bye

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