Puerto Rico

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The next day....

I honestly miss sleep. Lin is so ecstatic about Puerto Rico, it sometimes feels like he's on bowls of sugar, and sugar equals no sleep. But I shouldn't be talking. I was pretty excited as well, vacations are still really new for me.
"Wake up Niñita!" Lin was shaking me so fast it felt like I was going to throw up.
  "Dad, it's 3:00 in the morning." I said groggily.
  "I figured you'd want to see the sunrise, so get up before we miss it." He rolled me over onto my face, and left the room.
  I threw my hair up into a bun and put a sweatshirt on. Ahhh sweatshirts what would I do without you.
"Osh your dad is down and the breakfast buffet if you wanna head down." My mom scooped some eggs into her mouth. She must of brought the food upstairs. I waved goodbye and walked down.
The smells of all the food felt like a rainbow. I had never seen so much high class food in my life. I ran behind Lin in line and jumped in his back.
  "Guess who!" I whispered in his ear.
"Sara Barellies." He said back and I jumped down.
  "I'm honestly not sure if you were being serious." I laughed and picked up a cinnamon roll.
  "You know it would've been really cool if it were." He pointed out.
  "Haha." I said sarcastically, then pulled out my phone.
(Enjoy Puerto Rico Mouse ;), Hope you get me something.)

(Hahah No. I'm savoring my only vacation by spoiling myself)

(Awww I'm so hurt lol :) )

(You should be. I'm a witch inside.)

(Like Elphaba that witch that you told me about?)

(Nah more like Glinda ;) )

"Who you texted Niñita?" Lin mumbled while eating some cereal.
"Just Carter, he wanted me to buy him a shirt." I shrugged. He whipped his head up.
"And what did you say?"
   I laughed, "Heck Nah."
"Aye that's my daughter." He extended his arm for a high five and I slapped it.
  "Attention passengers, the ship will be docking at Puerto Rico in 30 minutes, any people on the boat touring please board now."
"Shoot Niñita you better go change, it's really hot there." He grabbed my hand and we ran back to our room. I swapped out my sweatshirt with a blue tank top, then my black pajama pants for some shorts.
"Run there gonna leave without us!" My mom yelled as I grabbed a pair of sun glasses and bolted to the line of people getting off the boat.
  "Mom there's still like 30 more people in line."
  "I know but we still have to take a cab to the city." Vanessa said. The line went quicker then I thought. And before I knew it we were 6in the cab.
"Have you folks ever been to Puerto Rico before?" The Cab driver looked into the rear view mirror.
  "I have, but the rest of my family haven't. I basically grew up here." Lin looked out of the window. The cab came to a screeching halt.
  "Your... your Lin-Manuel Miranda... and Ocean Miranda! Oh my gosh I'm your biggest fan! It's an honor to drive you!" The woman started hyperventilating.
  "That's so sweet!" I beamed then looked at Lin, "Wanna picture?" The lady rapidly nodded, and Lin took a picture with her.

  "That's so sweet!" I beamed then looked at Lin, "Wanna picture?" The lady rapidly nodded, and Lin took a picture with her

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  I'm glad I got to meet her, even though I was behind the camera. ;)

I handed her back her phone, and we climbed back into the car.
(Disclaimer-Never been to Puerto Rico before, just judging based on what I've seen from pictures.)

It was really loud in the main town. There were a bunch of cars and people everywhere, but it was still absolutely amazing.
"What do you want to do first Niñita?" Lin put his hand on my shoulder.
  "I'm kinda hungry, is there anything to eat?" My stomach growled. (ME:I TOOK AT LEAST AN HOUR TO LEARN PUERTO RICAN FOODS SOMEONE PLEASE BE PROUD OF ME)
Lin laughed. "Did you really just ask that?" He looked around for a minute and dragged me over to a restaurant/buffet.
"4 please." Lin nodded to the waiter as he went to set up our table.
  "Please get your food from the buffet , it is in the corner."
"You need to try Arroz con gandules, do you like rice?" Lin scooped some on my plate.
  I pretended to be hurt, "You'd think my own father would know what I like."
But when I took a bite it was the greatest thing that I had eaten.

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