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Combined Fandoms Week!!!!

Oceans POV
I was supposed to be getting discharged from the hospital today and I've never been happier.
  I snatched my phone the minute I woke up and went on Twitter. I hadn't really been keeping people updated, because I figured no one really cared, I mean, they have there own lives to worry about.

   Tell me Ocean Miranda is ok.... anyone have any updates?

@sunnybroadway-I have no idea. Lin put on Twitter that she went missing but I would really like to know if she's alive,

At least she knows we're all praying for her. We love you Osh if your out there.♥️

We're all praying that your found Ocean♥️ My brother and I are in the area for a few months, we went out to look for you

I stared at my phone in disbelief. Grayson Dolan . The Grayson Dolan knows who I am.

Hey Guys, Thank you for all the sweet messages :) I'm in the hospital but I'm leaving today. I'm going to ask Lin for a press conference to explain what happened. Thnx again♥️

I beamed and began looking at Grayson and Ethan's insta. My love for them isn't new, I watch there videos every Tuesday, I have a ton of there merch, and I even used to have a fan account of insta for them.
   "You ready to go?" Lin opened to door to my room holding the papers letting me go.
  "I've always been ready." I grabbed my luggage that had my clothes in it, my phone charger. The gifts the cast got me were in a bag Vanessa took home.
  "I was thinking we could get some Starbucks on the way home. A little treat from me."  Lin said climbing into the car.
  "Don't think. Just do," I responded, "Guess what?"
"I haven't updated Twitter so people were looking to see if I'm ok, and GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN ASKED IF I WAS OK."
He laughed.
  "That attractive teenage boy your obsessed with?"
"Mhm. I love his brother too." I made sure to tell him.
"You should probably tell him your ok then." Lin said still laughing,
So I did.

New DM to @graysondolan-
Hey Grayson it's Ocean, I just wanna say thank you for looking for me and praying for me. :) I'm back home and well now, I just wanted to thank you.

I almost immediately got a response.

I'm so glad your ok!  Ethan and I are in the area if you wanna meet up.

I dropped my phone and screamed.

"Dad, Dad, Dad, he wants to meet up!" I beamed. Lin beamed back.

Of course! When and where?

Maybe in an hour at Brown Café? It's right near Basil apartments.


I turned my phone off.
"Gotta date?" Lin smirked.
"Haha no. I love him but this ain't no date." I climbed out of the car and walked towards the Starbucks.
Once I got my mocha frappe, I went back to the car with Lin.
  "What really stinks is that you have your surgery in two weeks." Lin said.
  "At least I'll be back with that wonderful hospital food." I rolled my eyes and we shared the first laughs we had in a while,

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