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Ocean time gone - 9 days

I woke up in complete darkness.
"Morning sunshine," A voice hissed, and I assumed it was Joanna.
"Why is it so dark? It would really help if I could see your face when I slap you." I smirked and snickered in my head.
"And for that," she kicked me hard in the foot, "the blind fold stays on." I groaned, and she kicked me in the knee, painfully hard. But I wouldn't let her know know that. In fact, I had a plan.
"That sooo hurt." I said sarcastically and I could almost smell her anger.
  "Do you want to get stabbed?" She grabbed my neck tightly and her fake nails pierced my skin.
  "If you kill me you'll spend even more time in jail," I chocked out and used my free hand to take off the blind fold.
  "That's better then seeing you alive." She spat. Ok, that hurt. She kneed me In gut, then went to get the door bell that had just rung.
  "Hello-" I heard her say.
"Where is she?" A mans voice interrupted.
"Where is whom?" Joanna asked.
"The girl your holding hostage." The man said again.
   "How dare you accuse me-"
He cut her off again, "She called her father, he put it on Twitter. Said she was in the area." I heard foot steps walk in the house.
"HELP!" I screamed, and the footsteps ran in my direction. The door flew open and there was Carter.
  "Mouse! Oh my gosh, Mouse ," he ran and untied me from the chair, and when I stood up, he placed his hands on my cheeks.
  "Did she hurt you?" I nodded and pointed to my shoulder.
  "Oh my gosh." He pulled out his phone.
  "911? Yeah I found the kidnapped girl, Ocean Miranda? We are at 500 Justine Circle. Ok thanks." He put his phone in his pocket and left the room. He came back seconds later with Joanna , holding her neck tightly.
"You know I could put a knife threw your heart right now if I wanted to." He said threw gritted teeth. Joanna looked horrified and tears filled her eyes.
"Carter," I said quietly. He looked at me and his angry eyes softened. He let go of her, and she collapsed, trying to catch her breath.
As I sat there he walked a little closer. He put his hands on the chair, and lent In to kiss me.
"Your ok, thank goodness your ok." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you so much." I whispered back shaking.
Sirens filled the outside of the house, and cops ran in with Lin next to them.
"Niñita!" He cried and lifted me out of the chair. He surrounded me in a hug, and we both cried on each other's shoulder.
"She hurt your shoulder right?" He said. I nodded and walked outside with him where there was an ambulance on stand by.
  "Your coming home Niñita, your coming home."

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