Shut it or I'll Shoot

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Oceans time kidnapped - 2 days

Oceans POV

I was awfully dizzy when I opened my eyes, and I had to stretch my back out. But there was a bit of a problem. My back wouldn't move. I looked down and around to see where I was, and I seemed that I was tied to a chair.
  "Hello!?" I yelled loudly, and my voice echoed in the empty room.
   "Hello? Can someone untie me?!" I yelled a second time before CJ came in holding a pistol in his left hand.
  "Shut it or I'll shoot." He said gruffly.
I rolled my eyes, "Mhm. Sure. You say you want me back but then you shoot me? Awful liar as usual." I clicked my tounge and shook my head.
   "I said shut up!" He yelled louder raising the gun to my forehead.
I quivered in my chair. I guess he was going to shoot after all. He sighed.
  "Just give me your phone." He placed his hand out.
   "Um hate to break it to you but I'm tied to a chair." I pointed out.
"Stop! He roared and grabbed my chin tightly, "Which pocket."
  "Right." I gulp as he snatched my phone and slapped my face.
  "And don't even think about trying to escape," his breathe smelt awfully of cigarettes, "We have cameras on every inch of this place."
The chair was awfully uncomfortable and I couldn't sit still. Joanna locked the door from the outside and told me that her and CJ were going out to Albany to visit my Aunt Sandra who went into Cardiac Arrest a few days ago. I hopped around in my chair a bit trying to see if it would loosen the rope. It didn't. I groaned loudly and slumped. I was going to die. That's it, my life is done. That was my only thought until I noticed the glass vase on the burow a bit a head of me.
  "I just have to-" I scorched forward and gritted my teeth. I lifted my feet from the floor and tried to grab the vase that way. I'm so glad I'm somewhat flexible. I threw the vase to the ground with my feet hearing the shatter of the glass ring in my ears. I tried the same concept, picking up the glass with my foot, and put some of the glass on my lap. Cringing at my next move, I screamed in agony as I dislocated my shoulder rotating my arms a bad way. But at least I got the glass. I cut my hands free and used my good arm to cut my legs. All I had to do was escape.

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