Lins Birthday Party

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Jasmines POV.
Anthony carried me up the stairs like a goddess. I smiled as we rapidly knocked on the door. I love my Hamilton family.
"JAZZ!!!!" Sasha Screamed and ran over to take me out of Anthony's hands.
"ANTHONY!!" Leslie Screamed, and dragged him into the kitchen.

"How are you babe!?" Ari Hugged me and handed me a platter of Lin's favorite food. Hawaiian Pizza.

"Tired. Perfect. But Tired." I yawned.

"Darn." Betsy flopped onto the ground.

"What." I continued to shovel my face in food.

"We wanted to throw you a bachelorette party tomorrow." Carly walked into the room.

"That's sounds fun!" I smiled," we could do it on Monday, I have no shows then."

Ari spit out her drink.

"You.Did.Not.Leave.Hamilton." She stood up threateningly.

"No!" I laughed, "I'm coming back!"

Not to be Vain or anything but I expected them to be happier then yelping.

"But Ocean loves being in the show.."  Sasha whispered.

Who the bloody garbage was Ocean? No seriously tell me ,was I replaced?

"Ocean was Taylor's birth name." Lin said from the kitchen.

I shrugged. Ocean was a pretty name.

"Niñita! Your home!!" Lin said.

I stood up, and walked into the hall.

"Jazzy!!" She squealed.

"Ocean!" I ran in an hugged her.

I was reunited with my best friend.

Guys I am so
I just want you to that I am busy every day but Friday and Sunday.
I really am trying to publish new chapters but now that we hit 9k reads I want to make a schedule... but it's the start of school, and dance, and chorus so I might have chapters be a little late. Again I am so so so sorry.

             Love you guys!


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