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Hey Guys,
Sorry if my chapters are repetitive, and short, and make no sense, I'm just having really bad writers block, and this week is basically finals week, so I'm really stress out.

Lins POV
I awoke to an awful smell in the living room, so I threw on my Something Rotten shirt, and ran downstairs.

"Ocean, what in the name of everything are you making?" I yawned and scratched my head.

"A meal," I looked at her a squinted.

"Niñita, stop being sarcastic. I'm tired." Ocean groaned.

"Eggs for you, Cereal for Seb, Toast for mom, and boiled, mashed peas for Cate."

"I love you Niñita, but... why does it smell like you burned down my home?" I laughed, but she looked at me like she was going to faint.

"I was tired and I set the toaster timer to long, but then I fell asleep, and before you know it, bam! Black and crispy bread."  She flew back onto the coach.

"Ocean baby, I think your still sick..." I placed my hand to her forehead.

"And why do you say that?" Ocean grumbled.

"You're horrifically pale, you can't keep your eyes open, you are like 120 degrees, and you sound like your going to barf. Shall I continue?" I gave her the, "I'm right watch it face."

"No , no, no, I'm fine dad, just a little cold." She shrugged.

I pretended like I believed her but I was truest worried.
Ocean POV

Of course I'm sick! I can't breathe at night, and I can barely move! It hurts so bad, and I can't just tell Lin. He'll think it has something to do with my cancer, which it doesn't.
"Dad why don't I cook for you today?" I offered out of the blue. Lin tilted his head.
"No, baby your sick, I can't possibly let you do that," he stroked his hand through my hair and kissed my cheek.
"Dad, I insist. You have a few shows today anyway, and you'll get hungry. I'll pack you a lunch." Lin laughed.
   "Sunshine, we sound like a married couple, this is hilarious ." Lin was dying of laughter and I was hideously cackling .
  "Ok fine, you can make me lunch. I think your a good cook I've never eaten any of your food." Lin hugged me and ran upstairs.
I groaned extremely loudly and walked up stairs with him. I threw on a blue lace crop top and black leggings. Then I straightened my hair and ran downstairs.
"What on earth does Dad even like to eat?" I thought to myself. And then it came to me.
  "Hawaiian Pizza!" I gasped and I could hear Lin yell from up stairs, "Ding, Ding, Ding!"

I don't know how to make pizza.

The thought hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Maldito padre! ¿qué otros alimentos te gustan? " I groaned, but I was 99% sure Lin ignored me. I went to the refrigerator, coughing extremly. All I could find were some meats, dough, sweet tomato sauce, and pineapple.  "I think you can make pizza out of this," I thought to myself.

So I pulled out the ingredients and began to cook.

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