Christmas Day

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Lin's POV
I had made a huge mistake fighting with Vanessa. But I didn't want our daughter to be sick. Shoot, I mean The Casts Daughter. You know what? Fine. We want to "keep  Taylor." I'm not going further then that.
  Christmas Day is Homeboys favorite day. I love seeing him open his presents from Santa, and from my dad. And this year Taylor is with us. I feel bad that she's always been in a old building for Christmas. We had a show today, an early show, but instead of my alarm clock, I was awoken by Seb jumping up and down on me.
"Daffy! Iws Chriswas!"
I giggled and climbed out of bed to go wake up Taylor.
"Taylor. Taylor Sunshine wake up." I whispered.
"Mmmmm." She flopped onto her face .
"I know what will wake you up.." I smirked.
"Wwwwwhhhhhaaaaaatttttt?" She groaned.
"It's your first Christmas, Your boyfriend left you something, you got 10 gift cards.. Should I go on?"
"Ohh yay! Christmas!" She squealed and ran down stairs.
"Wait for me!" I got Sebastian on my back and ran downstairs.
I saw tons of bedazzled lights and the tree lit up. Maybe Miracles to come true.
Third Person POV
Taylor looked down at the red paper with a bow around it. What is this? She thought it was called a present from what she heard , and it looked beautiful. She turned towards Lin, nodding in approval. She tore open the paper, opened the box...... And saw files.
She asked, "What is this ?"
Lin looked at her smiling. He pointed to the title on the files.
Adoption 2-14-16
Tears filed her eyes and she almost had a heart attack .
"Your. Your Adopting me?" She sobbed.
"We loved you from the moment we met you. And now we want to make it official." Him and Vanessa engulfed her in a huge hug.
Taylor's POV
I haven't had parents for almost 3 years now. My mom made a few mistakes in her life. I found out that her singing career hadn't gone so well. When I saw her Mug Shots on the news, I saw streaks of Bright Green , and Red hair. She wore , "Leather bathing suit." Her lipstick was black and red stripes. It was horrifying to see it. Because my mom was beautiful before. Granted she had tons of plastics surgery, and implants, But I still love her. Well I did 3 years ago . But now she lost my trust.
"Who wants Hot Coca!" Vanessa walked in holding 2 mugs of hot coca, one for me and Seb.
"Meee!" We screamed in unison .
I sipped my hot coca and got a whipped cream mustache.
"Seb." I put my arm on his shoulder.
"Yes sissy?"
"You would tell me. If I had something on my face.Right?" I smiled.
"Ya." He giggled.
"Good." I wiped the cream of and began thinking of Taylor Aster Miranda.

Guys I have huge writers block, and I have no one to ask.
DM me Ideas
Questions for character ask. Just ask whatever u want I'm to tired

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