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Lin's POV.
When Anthony rushed Taylor into our apartment, I almost screamed.
"Vanessa, How's Mexico?"
Anthony threw the door open.
"Anthony what's-Oh my God, call an Ambulance."
"Lin- What's going on?" Vanessa sounded scared.
"I'll call you back," I said then hung up.
End of Flash Back.
At the Hospital
"When can I see Taylor Hamilton?" I had asked the receptionist.
"Well she is currently in a coma," the woman said not caring.
"I need to see her."
"Room 209," she yawned.
I ran into the room, the world spinning . And there she lay, Anthony praying over her. I had to cover my mouth to keep from screaming. Anthony looked up. He'd been crying. I ran over and ran my hand through her soft brown curls.
"Stay Alive."
Taylor gets medicine every other day that makes her sleep for 4 hours straight. Today Jazz is visiting. I took a picture of us toghether , with her sleeping on my shoulder. Get better soon Sunshine 🌞😘
"Lin, when will she get out of the hospital?" Jazzy said snapping me out of my trance.
"3 days ," I replied.
"Oh. Get better Tay. I should go." She said getting up.
She hugged my before she left. It was 5:39. The show was in 3 hours. I had to go get ready. I prayed nothing would happen while I was gone.
I was on for Stay Alive reprise. I choked back tears. My face turned red. Phillipa squeezed my hand, and I made it through the rest of the show.
Daveed POV
When I got the call, I was in the middle of a Q and A with college students.
"S'cuese me." I said.
"It's Daveed,Sup." I had said casually .
"Daveed Diggs! Taylor is in the Hospital. Don't ask questions , just come." Lin said,then hung up.
I ran back to the kids and said
"Sorry, I've got to go. My daughter is in the hospital," I said the ran out.
First Time at Hospital
I walked in and saw Lin asleep on Taylor's shoulder. Awwwwww. I walked over to the other side of her bed and knelt down.
"Listen um,Kid, I know you can't here me, but listen, People are mean. People are cruel. I get it. Some people aren't perfect. But that doesn't give people an excuse do hurt others. You probably feel pain right now. And I'm going to say from the bottom of my heart. Everyone overcomes injuries. But not comas. Don't come back if you don't want to. But Lin and the Cast can't live without you. I can't live without you.
Renée POV
I was at vocal lessons with my daughter when I got the call.
"Do, Rí, Mi, Fa, So , La, Ti,Do!" My daughter sang.
"Very Good!" I told her.
"Please Excuse me." I told my daughter, and she nodded.
"Hey Lin," I said.
"Get to the Hospital." And with that he hung up.
             At Hospital.
I walked in and saw Daveed praying over Taylor. The minute he saw me, he got up and left. She looked so peaceful.
I did the same thing as Daveed.
"Taylor. I can't let you leave us. By all means go, but think about me. The cast. Lin. I know you have injuries, but you just need to get through them. Survivor is a title only worthy of strong people. You are strong. Stay Alive. Please.
Pippas POV
        I was at dance rehearsal when I got the call.
"5,6,7,8, Bam, Turn,"Tommy said.
"Go get that Pippa." Tommy said.
I ran over and answered.
"Hey Lin." I said gulping water.
"Phillipa, Taylor is in a coma. Go to Roosevelt hospital." And he hung up.
"Tommy, Taylor is in the hospital." I said.
"Oh my god. Go see her."
                  At Hospital.
Renée was just leaving. I ran over and ran my fingers through her hair.
"Taylor, no matter what you think, stop for a minute and think about what you want. Do you want to leave a bunch of people who need you to be happy? But if this Kyle kid is truly that bad , go. But your strong , beautiful, and so much more."I looked up and saw Lin staring.
"Phili-" he said but I cut him off.
"I should go." I said then walked out.
Abigail's POV. Abi_Fanzel
Gabby told me what happened.
"Abigail, right?" A blonde girl yelled coming up to me.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Taylor is in the Hospital. I got a call from Lin." She said nervously.
"Oh my god."
        At Hospital
I walked into the room and saw Lin.
"Oh Abigail, I'm so sorry I forgot to call you." Lin mumbled.
"It's fine," I said sitting down , "What happened , if you don't mind me asking."
" Um, Kyle Fredricks was verbally and physically abusing her."
"I get it, I mean, I was in an abusive foster home too. Nick Walter. He's in Juvie now but... I tried.. To.,"
"Oh my gosh Abi, " Lin said hugging me.
Since then I came back every day.
Jasmines POV
I got the call while I was at the club.
"I'll go get us drinks," I had said smiling.
"Jazz," I said into the phone.
"Roosevelt Hospital." Lin said, then hung up.
I dropped the glasses and ran.
                At Hospital.
I don't have anything to say. I mean I do I just can't say it aloud. So I wrote it down.
"Dear Taylor,
I can't say anything to you or else I'll probably flood the room in my own tears. Dieing at 15 is terrible. You haven't even Learned what happens to Kyle in the future. You haven't lived your story.

So this chapter is sad. Daveeds part was the saddest. Keep leaving comments. Helpful or just plain nice.

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