The Nomination

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Am I the only one who ships Lin and Jazzy? Yep? Yeah I figured.
I made Fan Art during Science. I'm gonna send it to Lin.
This chapters is going to have a ton of pics

This chapters is going to have a ton of pics

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I'm quite accomplished of it.
It has Lines from every Hamilton song except that would be enough because that's the only song I dislike

I sat in the front while Liam was driving.

"So you going to introduce us to your new friend?" Gabby poked me.

"Um, Sure." I made an awkward pause.

"Meg...." I said more like a question. They shouldn't really know about her past.

"It's fine." Meg said.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"When I was 3 my parents were murdered." She said.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"I got abused in every single foster home I went to. It stayed that way until 4 years ago."

"Some girl, maybe 25ish, adopted me. She already had 4 kids, and two of them were adopted."

"Then her oldest who was 16 got hit by a car and died, and the youngest, like 1 year, died of abuse by her husband."

"So she had me and 3 other kids all by her self."

"By the time I was 14 she had Me, and 6 other kids. And then she had 1 more kid and gave up. She left us on the street. My Aunt took me in 2 years ago today."

Everyone stared at her.

"On the other subject... Did you here about your Grammy Nomination?" Liam asked pulling into the party.

I threw my phone at the floor of the car and screamed.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

"Your Grammy nomination. Best new Artist, and best pop album." He smiled and pulled out a diamond necklace with matching earrings from his pocket.

"For you my lady..."He got on one knee. I giggled. We pretended we were married ever since day one .

Of course I took a picture of it. I'm Insta Ocean.

Our Love is real

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Our Love is real.😘😘😘😘😘😘

We walked into the party, I loved seeing all my friends and strangers here. When I walked in everyone cheered, "HAPPY 16th OCEAN QUEEN!!"

I kissed Liam on the cheek and ran to dance with Meg.

Gabbis POV

I got on a table and started twerking .
I tried to show my full Gabriella Carter Alveraz. My brother Kevin never let me do anything. He's so stuck up. But he wants his MD so.. I guess I should trust him
Oceans POV
I slipped my hand through my sweat rainbow tube curls. I didn't want to leave. But is was 9:30 and Lin wanted me home now. I called an uber for Abi,Meg,and Gabby, and me and Liam went home to celebrate my dads birthday .

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