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Lins POV
While Ocean was a school I pulled out my laptop and started to look for plane tickets.
"What are you doing," Vanessa said from behind me. I jumped back.
"Jeez I thought you were supposed to be at work!" I yelled and pushed back my hair.
"They don't need me today but that doesnt answer my question," She snarled. I think she thought I was leaving them.
"The investors think the Fredricks went to Spain to hide out with old friends so I'm going to go and check myself!"
She looked at me and then tilted her head. "Are you mad? These people are crazy!"
   "It's our daughter V, I'll do anything to make sure she's not in danger!"
"And I'm your wife and I will do anything to make sure you're not in danger!"
We went back and forth for an hour.
" Listen," Vanessa sighed," I just don't want you to get hurt."
   " and I won't be hurt. I'm fine really , this for ocean."
"How long will you be gone?" She asked.
   "I dunno maybe a week or two? I think Osh should come with."
   " no definitely not that is our daughter like you said I am not putting you in danger never mind her."
   " but she needs the moment where she can look the Fredericks in the eyes and just say I'm done with you!"
    " can't you FaceTime her something from Spain?"'
     " that wouldn't have the same affect V!" I sighed. She stared at me blankly for a minute.
   " promise me that you're going to keep her safe. promise me Lin." She choked back tears.
I walked closer and hugged her.
" I promise on my life I will let the Fredericks do anything to her. She's our sunshine V." I said In her ear.
   "So buy those plane tickets I guess. Send me pictures from Spain!" She sniffed back tears and smiled.
   " sure thing V, Sure thing."

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