We'll miss you Groff!

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Oceans POV
"How's he holding up?" I asked Vanessa. Lin was uncontrollably sobbing in his bedroom and refused to come out.
"We're on hour five. Can you give him his breakfeast?  He won't let me in." Vanessa handed me a large bowl of cereal, and  I nodded.
"Dad? How's it going?" I slowly knocked on the door. His sobbing stopped for a second.
"Come in Niñita." I slowly opened the door and sat next him. He layed his head on my shoulder and cried.
  "What does he have to leave Oc.... He loved Hamilton." I smiled a little. I couldn't help it, it was kinda funny.
"I know dad, but he got other offers . He can't stay here forever. You're leaving in July anyway." I pointed out, and Lin sniffled, but got up.
  "I love you Niñita." He held out his hand greedily, signaling me to hand over the plate. Then he left the room .
  "I love you to Dad." I smiled and whispered.
I looked in the mirror. My anorexia was getting better, but I was still really thin. But at least I had no snarky comments.  I left my newly short hair down, and I threw on a, "Honey Mariah's better then you," sweatshirt . I picked up my phone and saw a missed call from Liam.
"Hey," I said and flipped my hair.
"Hey babe. Where've you been I tried calling you."
"Talking to my dad, it's Jonathan's last day." Liam laughed on the other end.
"Isn't your dad in love with him?"m
"Oh yeah. So do you wanna meet me at Ricard's..." I yawned and was about to fall asleep.
  "Sure, why not. Your dad'll probably need more comfort."
  "Great I'll see you in 15."I hung up before he could reply. I threw my phone on my bed and pushed my hair back. I was getting my surgery in a month. My parents never really cared to take me to the doctors so I was always sick.
  "Ocwen!" I heard a little voice run in my room and yell.
"Sebastian! Did Dad give you pancakes with extra sugar again?" I put him on my lap then fell backward.
  "And coffee!" He squealed. Lin gave a 2 year old coffee. I wonder if he knew how dangerous it was.
  "Oc!" Let's go!" Lin called weeping. I laughed, grabbed my books for school and hopped in the car.
   "Dad you know if I miss anymore school I'll probably get kicked out right." My math book flew to the back of the car as we went over a speed bump.
"I'll probably use my dangerous charm. No one messes with Mariah and Alexander." I laughed.
"You dang right you don't," I snapped my fingers and we both laughed. Then we pulled into the parking lot.
"Dad please don't kiss him when we get inside. You have a wife." He laughed and walked inside.
I expected to see the whole cast throwing a party.

But it was just Geoff standing there. He held up his arms for a hug. Lin threw all of his stuff on me and ran  into his arms. To me this was hilarious. To them in was a Rom-Com.
I'm gonna miss you Lin," Groff cried.
"Me too." Lin cried back.
"I hate to break up the love Party, but it's Getting late," I said. So Lin got up. Waved to him. Hug him again, and walked away.
  "I'm gonna miss you Ocean." Jonathan said on my way out.
"And I am going to miss the genius king." I smiled. But I could bear it. I jumped forward and hugged him.
"I can't believe your leaving." I cried.
"I know, shhh." He stroked my hair.
"I'll come visit. I'm only in Maryland for the Year , then I go to LA for my new show, then I'm back." He said.
   "But that's like three years... I'll be in college by then."
"Sometimes plans change." He kissed my forehead a pushed me out.

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