Adopted by Hamilton P2

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Abigail and I sat in the kitchen staring at our mugs.
"I can't believe she's really gone..." I whispered in tears.
"Dad..." Abigail exploded in tears as she ran over and hugged me.
"It's ok niñita... it's gonna be alright." I pushed my fingers through her hair while she continued to cry.
I heard Sebastian's feet clomp down the stairs.
"Hey Dad, where is Betsy? Normally I like to feed her now." He smiled. His goofy little smile.
"Go away Seb, not now." I said forcefully , but I instantly regretted it. His eyes welled up in tears and he ran upstairs. I shrugged it off but Abigail looked up at me.
"Go tell him." She whispered, and I nodded. I slowly walked upstairs.
  "Hey Seb." I said bluntly as Sebastian whipped a tear from his eyes.
  "Go away Dad." He mumbled.
"Hey, one don't talk to me like that." I scolded him and sat down.
"Sometimes I feel like you only like Abi." He whispered.
I was shocked. How could he say that!?
"Why would you think that?"
"Because ever since you adopted her, it's always been her shows, her school, and her life. You missed my middle school graduation, just for a question Abi had." He looked up.
"I didn't know-"
"Well you did." He sniffles. I began to explain our situation.
"The lawyers came and took Betsy. I'm going to loose my granddaughter." Now I was crying.
"Aw Dad.... I'm sorry." Sebastian wrapped an arm around me.
And I cried .
Abi's POV
"Mom! Let's go! We can't go to court without our lawyer!" I yelled up at Vanessa.
"Almost done!" I heard her slowly walk down the stairs.
"Aww Abi you look beautiful..."My mom made some smiling, pouty face.
"Thanks mom, now let's go, we won't win if we're not there."
While I was sitting in the car, Lin put his arm around me. I looked up at him, then layed my head on his shoulder.
  "We have a strong case niñita... he's a horrible father." Lin pushed his hand through my hair.
  "How would you know what a horrible father is? All you've done is been sweet to me, even when we moved to London!" I explained. I saw Lin looking down at me, smiling, and I smiled back.
"Mom, do you think we are going to win?" I looked behind the front seat at her. Lin responded instead by saying, "Of course we are going to win! I've been married to her for who knows how long, I think I know how good she is." He smiled and leaned back to kiss V.
"Eyes on the road dad!" I yelped and flipped him back around into driving position.
"Looks like you should go to court instead," I laughed with the rest of my family. But we stopped immediately. Today is not a laughing day.
As we stepped into the court room Nick was already there. His beady little rat eyes followed us.
"Order! Order!" The judge yelled," Please raise your right hand and speak the following, I swear I will tell the whole truth, full truth and everything including the truth. Thank you." We sat down, and my eyes gazed to my lap and I pretended to smooth out a wrinkle in my dress.
"Nick foster please arrive the bench." Nicks stern, evil looking lawyer, Zach Yelsits said.Nick stood and walked over.
"Now the Mirandas are saying that you and the child's mother Abigail are related... How so?" He questioned.
"Abigail and I, were foster siblings for about a year, so we are kinda related."
"Now Mr Walter , we have been told by our sources that you beat Miss Miranda repeatedly , what are you saying in that?"
My fists clenched tightly.
"Well I was raised with father who is a cruel reached man. He told me that if I didn't hurt Abigail, he would kill her instead. And I of course didn't want her hurt, nor dead!" Nick smirked.
He was trying to kill me? "Shut up Abi, " I thought to myself
"Now Mr Walter, you could have come clean to the police about your father at any time ... why didn't you?" His lawyer asked.
"Well my father was a scary man... he was almost always on watch, and when he pasted away, I became afraid of my mother instead." Nick ugly rat eyes looked at me.
"So your honor this man as only hurt a child out of fear... and the cause of this fear is long dead due to heart failure. He know has a college career from Yale, and a sturdy job! This man could never hurt a child again. Thank you." The crowd clapped and I was confused. He had to be lying right?
"I now call up Abigail Miranda to stands." I slowly arose and fixed my dress. Vanessa followed.
"Your honor, I have know Miss Miranda since she was only 16 years old. And now she is my own daughter and I know she would never hurt a fly. Now Abigail, Nick was in fact your foster brother, and he did abuse you."
My hands shook and Vanessa smiled slightly and nodded.
"I was, yes. By his mother and father too."
Vanessa gave me a slight thumbs up.
"Now was this abuse light, or was it to the point of sucidal thoughts?"
"Definitly suicidal thoughts. I would be beat by things a little as forgetting To by the milk or messing up that nights dinner. And to be honest these weren't acts of forcing. If they were Nick would have shown a bit of sympathy. "
"Now what was Nick like around other children?" Vanessa asked.
"He was the school bully. He wasn't afraid to hurt me around his friends, which he could've stopped , Mr Foster wasn't watching him."
"And how did he treat you when my family adopted you?"
"Worse. I was reapetidly assaulted by him.. he even attacked my father when I was sixteen." I responded.
"So your honor, do you really want a man whose had multiple drug and abuse charges of his records taking care of a child? Thank you." I smiled at Vanessa, and the Judge looked down at me.
"This is easily solved... Elizabeth Miranda will live with the Miranda Family, and Nick Walter will be sentence to 10 years in prison."
I didn't jump of squeal, but merely look Lin in the eye and smile

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