The Conclusion

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Lins POV

My world stopped. My daughter lay half dead on the ground, police continuing to fire shots at Mr Fredrick. I screamed. Louder then I every had before and ran in front of there ways of fun fire. I knelt down next to Ocean who now had three bullet wounds- One in her leg, stomach, and arm.

But no one stopped.

I looked up and saw an officer-very young- fire a bullet, that flew across the air. It flew, and flew, and it landed in Mr. Fredricks head. I saw him wobble, rock on his feet-then fall the ground with a loud thump. The world had come to a crashing end, not only for me, but for another man's wife. The rest of the noise was blurred out around me, all I could hear was police officers yelling that there were shots fired, and one person had died. All I could look at was Mrs Fredricks face. Her shaky hand was rested over her husbands face, her mascara running. But she wasn't crying. Kyle stood over, gulping down tears, but I could only notice that no one was crying. I looked down at my own daughter, my Ocean Queen. I placed my hand on her cheek, and slowly moved it down to her neck to try and catch a pulse, with maybe a hope that she was alive. But I felt nothing.

"Ninita," I bowed my head and cried silently. Then it happened. A heart beat. Quick and short but there. My heart raced, as I scooped her up and ran out of the apartment.

"Come on sunshine, don't you die on me now," I whispered through gritted teeth as I laid her in the back of the car.

With my blood soaked hands I drove as fast as I could to the nearest hospital. I prayed the entire time we were driving. I scooped her out of the car when we got there and threw open the doors to the hospital. The secretary immediately stood up after seeing her shot wounds and ran to the nearest room. I followed, though getting very weak. I heard the nurse yell something in Spanish then a million doctors flew into the room operating, pulling out needles from there back pockets. It was going so fast. I needed to call the cast. I stepped out of the room and shakily pulled out my phone and FaceTimed Called Daveed.
  They picked up immediately.
"Hey lin!" He smiled. He was with the whole cast.
  "Did you catch the bad guys!"
"Well kinda-"
"We miss you!"
"I miss-"
"When's the trial-"
"Enough!" I yelled. Everyone immediately went silent.
I took a calm breath and responded, "Ocean got shot."
I heard a cry from the group and I saw Jazzy push through the crowd.
"My Mariah?" Her eyes looked red and her red lipstick was smudged after she held her hand to her mouth. I couldn't even look at her, so I turned my head. I could here her voice crack as she ran out the doors of the Richard Rodger theatre.
It was silent.
"Is she... is she gonna be ok?" Thawne asked from the back.
"I don't know," I mumbled, "I'm sorry I should go." I hung up my phone and fell back into the hospital chair, putting the weight of my daughters life in my hands.
I pressed the "end call" button with Vanessa, and I got the usual reaction .
"Oh my god," "Is she ok?" , "what can I do?"
But there's nothing.
Money can't fixed a shot leg or arm. Sure you'll heal maybe but the memory is always there.
I began to think about when she was first sent to the hospital because of Luke, and we all made her those cards-but it was just me. Her failure of a parent. All I wanted to do was close my eyes, and sleep, sleep away the sorrows and worries. But they called my name.
"Mr Miranda?"

Insert my heart right now, thumping loudly to the point where I thought everyone could here it. My mouth was dry and my eyes wet from crying alone.


The answer was on the horizon.

"Your daughter is ok."

It was all I had to hear. I began to cry, jumping up and down hugging the doctor, but he stopped me immediately, as if to say "But..."

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