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Oceans POV

"Ocean! There's a boy here to see you!" Vanessa called to me from the other side of our room.

"Carter," I rolled my eyes and blushed a bit, then ran downstairs to find Carter sitting on the couch.

"Ah, Mouse, there you are!" He arose from the couch when he saw me. I motioned for him to step into my room after seeing Vanessa raise her eyebrows.

"What are you doing!?" I whisper/yelled, "Showing up at my door? Are you stalking me?"

He laughed loudly. "Mouse, I am not stalking you. I was going down to the vending machine and I saw your dad walking back to your room."

I groaned and sat down. "Mouse, we gotta stop pretending, I like you, you like me... We need to date!" He sat down next to me.

"Carter, in my opinion, you seem really egotistical about yourself... I'm really not into that as a person." Liam's quietness rolled through my brain, and it made me think about how much I missed him.

"I'll change mouse, I swear. I like you, I've never felt anything like that kiss."

I rolled my eyes. "You sure? You seem like you kiss a lot of girls." I felt bad for a minute because he looked so hurt by that. I sighed.

"Fine," He smiled, "I'll give you a chance." He leaned in with what I thought was to hug me, but he kissed me like yesterday. And I couldn't help but kiss back. These two kisses felt better than when Liam would kiss me. It felt horrible, disobeying Lin. But this boy... He was a rebel in some form of disguise.

"Carter..." I whispered pulling back.

"Mouse, come with me, spend the day with me. I'll show you how I like to live." He whispered back and stood up. I nodded slowly a walked him out, shutting the door behind him. He slipped something under the crack of the door, and I picked it up. It was his phone number.

"Who was that?" Lin was holding Cate in his arms.

"Oh, um, just a friend... met him at the pool the other day." I shrugged and grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge.

"He looks more than a friend Osh." Vanessa picked up Sebastian and placed him in a chair and began to feed him oranges.

"He does have that vibe doesn't he?" I said almost dreamily off into the distance, "Well, I'm gonna go take a walk." I said walking into my room.

"Be back before dinner!" Lin called before I shut my door.


Lins POV

"V?" I asked my wife who was still feeding Seb oranges.


"Are you worried about Ocean? She seems to be running off a lot." I laid down and closed my eyes.

"Um, Yeah just a bit," she said, "I know my daughter though Lin, I don't think she'd be doing anything bad."

"I guess you're right. I just don't think she's going on a walk... She's probably hanging out with Carter." I said, exhausted.

"I think you're right about that... I just don't want her heart broken again." Vanessa finished feeding Seb his oranges.

"Wait what?" I sat up straight, "There dating?! She told me they were friends!"

"That's the thing. She wants to be friends with him, but I think he's just charming her. He's sweet to her...and have you seen the way she looks at him? "

I shook my head. "No, she broke up with Liam only a few weeks ago!"

Vanessa looked down. "I know. And the worst thing is, I think she's really in love with him."


Hey Guys,

Two chapters this week :) To be honest, I don't know where I'm going with this Carter character. So just a recap cause even when I read it, I get confused a bit. I try to make it so it's less complicated, but it's kinda hard.

Ocean met Carter at the pool, and she thinks he's cute but he moves too fast and is a bit egotistical, which Ocean doesn't like. He shows up at her door and promises to change and be better for her, so she gives him another chance. It doesn't feel right for her though, cause she knows Lin doesn't want her to date right away. Meanwhile Lin and Vanessa are worried about her cause she keeps wandering off.

I hope that helps anyone who's confused by this, because the plot line for this chapter might go on for a bit.

                                                                                                                     I'm sorry I'm very confusing :)


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