
646 18 4

Oceans POV
"That was brave of you dad..." I mumbled in the car.
"Do I have permission to gaul that kids eyes out with a golden rod that's been electrified a million times by lighting?" Lin grabbed the wheel tightly.
I snickered a bit and shook my head.
"Of course dad. But I want to yell in Spanish. Then we'll really scare him." Lin stopped the car and looked at me. And we laughed like old times before the fame.
"So I got some bad news." Lin mumbled.
"Way to ruin the moment... " I said to myself.
"What is it dad?" My hands trembled because I knew what it was about. The only thing it could possibly be about.
"Ocean... your cancer has to come out a month later then planned." He played with his lower lip and tears filled his eyes.
My hands gritted across the side of the car in shock .
"What? Why?"
"The hospital has been loosing a lot of money recently, so they don't have the money for your treatment." Of course it hurt seeing Lin hurt so much, and I was as well.
"Dad it's ok... we waited this long, we can wait till June ..." He put his hand on my cheek and smiled.
"Your very brave Niñita... very brave."
"Ocean! Quick question! Do you know how to swim?" Vanessa asked me at home.
"I guess, I mean I took a few lessons as a kid, but my parents lost a lot of there money then, " I shrugged , "Why?"
"Just making sure cause I bought you a really cute swim suit for the pool on the cruise." She pulled out a black and white bikini.
"Wait we're taking a cruise!? I thought we were flying!" I couldn't believe that we were taking a cruise, and to be honest I thought that was only for rich people; or well that's what my parents told me anyway.
"Nope!  A little week long cruise just to relax," Vanessa smiled, "So do you like it!?" I stared at it up and down. It was a bit revealing, but other then that it was really cute.
  "Of course." I smiled. Vanessa turned around to walk away then said, "The school called... You have a Spanish test you are going to miss."
I was laying on my bed listening to waitress and staring and the room I'm barely ever in anymore. I change out my broadway posters every month or so, so now I have posters of Jessie Muller and Kimiko Glenn all over my walls.
  I fell fast asleep on my bed and had a dream about Kyle getting hit by a bus. I know, it's a dark dream, but he made it out alive, just decided not to be the "old" Kyle. I would've slept longer but I was awoken by my phone ringing.
  "Riley?" I sat up immediately and put my hand over my mouth.
  "Aster?" I beamed at the sound of my slightly, (*sarcasm), unique old middle name.
  "Riley where have you been! You literally haven't been at school for 5 months !"
  She laughed a little. "I left on an arts scholarship to a school in Europe; well a dancing scholarship."
"Rye that's awesome," I smile/laughed, "but why didn't you tell me, or well Gabbi, London, Meg, Abi, and myself?"
"Goodbyes are hard A, especially for those you love." I could almost hear her shrug.
"So when's the next time you are in New York? We need to get together before I go to Puerto Rico for a bit."
"Well that's the thing, I'm actually in New York right now for a performance... I was thinking we could get some coffee or something?" She said.
I almost jumped off my bed. "Of course! I'll call Abi, and everyone else."
She laughed a little and hung up.
"Dad guess what!" I ran down the stairs smiling.
He looked up from watching Modern Family.
"Rileys back in town!" I jumped up and down.
"Isn't Riley the one who jumped off of human existence?" He scrunched up his face.
"Well yes, but she was studying abroad for dance, and now she's in town!" I sat next to him even though I had already finished the show.
"That's awesome Osh! Are you guys gonna get a coffee or something?"
I fidgeted my hands around a bit.
"That's the thing... I may be home a bit later tonight, I know you like me home before 10 but..."
He ran his fingers through his hair.
"It's fine, your having a reunion with your friends, you should go." And with that he shooed me away to get ready.
I pulled back my hair and took a deep breathe as I walked into Moonlight Cafe.
"Ocean!" I heard as I walked in.
I beamed and put my hand over my mouth.
"Meg!" We hugged each other, and I noticed London, Abi, Gabbi, and Riley there too.
"It's so good to see you guys!" I smiled and sat down. They already ordered my Smores coffee, and Cheesecake muffin.
"And you still know my order." I flipped my hair.
"I'll always remember the time you tripped on the piece of random cheesecake and it got all over your face." We all laughed like all times.
"Oh London! How's Luca?" Meg asked and sipped her latte.
She blushed a little.
" 6 month anniversary in two weeks."
"London! Why didn't you tell me?" I gasped a bit.
"I didn't tell anyone until about three weeks ago, I would've told you but you but I could never find you!" She explained.
"I got transfered to honors history ." I laughed a little, and I realized how much I missed them.
Thank you so much for 18k reads!

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