Pool side

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2 days later....

Oceans POV
The first two days in the cruise were incredible, I mean the sights of the Ocean were incredible! And then there was Lin who was cracking jokes about the literal Ocean, and myself Ocean. I still haven't been down to the pool though.

"Dad?" I asked Lin who was eating lunch with Sebastian.

"Yeah?" He replied taking a bite of his steak.

"I'm going down to the pool, I need to get some use out of the swimsuit Mom bought me." He laughed a bit and nodded, so I got changed and headed down.

The Pool was pretty crowded, so I couldn't find a seat at first, but I managed to find an elderly couple leaving, so I took their seat at the very front of the pool, placing my towel down.                        I know how to swim, but that doesn't mean I like to swim. I remember my first foster mom had hired a swim instructor named James from a Boys and Girls club. I was pretty excited about my first swim lesson, I mean I was five. But when I first jumped into the water, the man was wearing octopus underwear in the pool. I looked back at my mom and the man repeatedly and climbed out of the pool.

"The man's a lunatic mom. " I whispered.

"Come on Taylor, get in the pool." She said angrily and threw me in.

Someone had grabbed onto my waist and pulled under, and I looked up and saw James with a cackling face. I squirmed and tried to push him off of me. Like I had told my mother, this man was a lunatic. 

He held me underwater so long that I had passed out for a good 10 minutes. That was when my mom decided to change swim instructors.

"Excuse me?" Someone shook my arm and aroused me from my horrifying flash back. I nodded and jumped up.                                                                                                                                                                  

The boy in front of me laughed. "I'm sorry to wake you... is this seat taken?"   I looked over at the boy pointing at the seat and I nodded.

He laughed, sat down, and held out his hand. "Carter, Carter Longsworth."

I uneasily shook his hand.

"You're quiet... I'm going to call you Mouse. That ok mouse?" Carter laughed.        

"You mean like the rodent mouse? In that case no." I sat up to face him.

"Oh, I see, you're a feisty mouse... But no I mean like those adorable mice like in Cinderella."

I smiled. "That's better."

"So what's your actual name mouse? I shouldn't really introduce you to people with, this is mouse." We both laughed, and I looked at his dirty blonde hair.

"Ocean, Um, Ocean Miranda," I said and his eyes widened.

"So you're that famous pop star who got adopted by Lin-Manuel Miranda?" He asked.

I blushed a bit. "Yeah. My dad's from Puerto Rico, so he decided to show me some of the sights."

He ran his hands through my hair. "That's pretty cool mouse. Pretty gosh darn cool."

I jumped back a bit and remembered what Lin had said about fame getting to me and my love life.

"So, um Carter, why are you on the cruise?"I said shyly.

"Oh, it's a graduation gift, I'm heading to South Carolina University next year." He said proudly.

"That's awesome!" I smiled, "I'm going into my senior year in high school, but when I do go to college, I got my heart set on B.C."

"You got a boyfriend mouse?" He leaned closer, so close that our lips were almost touching.

"No...and I don't-" He cut me off.

"Lucky for me then Mouse... I already like you."  He whispered then pulled me into a full long kiss at the front of the pool. I pushed back after a moment and looked at him.

"I like you too," I whispered, then ran off to our room.


Ok, so this chapter makes me really happy with Ocean :). She found someone better then Liam, even though they only met that day.

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