Captain Kelly

560 18 10

Oceans POV

"This is awesome Carter!" I laughed as he held my hand down the water slide.

"Wait, Let me get this straight. You've never been on a water slide?" He stopped while he was walking and I giggled a bit.

"Nope. None of my foster parents took me to water parks or that sorta thing." I shrugged at sat at our table.

"Well, that is absolute garbage to me." He leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes in a joking way. I laughed a bit.

"We should head back up, the Captain's table is in a few hours." I stood up and hurried out of the water park with Carter.

"Thanks for showing up at my door...Again." I smirked.

"Hey, this time you brought me to your door." He pointed his finger to my nose, and then made a bopping noise.

I snickered. "Goodbye Carter."


I opened the door and saw Lin and Vanessa standing there with their arms crossed.

"Hey...Dad..." I widened my eyes and slowly closed the door.

"We know you were with Carter Osh." Lin frowned.

I sighed. "I'm sorry I lied, I just really like him."

"Ninita, are you sure? You met him two days ago." Lin shook his head a bit.

"Dad, are you referring to Liam? The relationship that didn't work...?" I fell down on the couch and raised an eyebrow. I could believe Lin was doing this.

"O-" Vanessa tried to say but I interrupted.

"No!" I cried, "I like him, as a friend and normal crush! We aren't even actually dating, just trying things out!"

Lin and Vanessa looked at each other. They sat next to me, and I started crying but instantly regretting it realizing how stupid I was sounding. But then Lin wrapped his arms around me. And everything felt ok.


"Oshy! Dwaddy wants wo to get ready!" Sebastian ran towards me and tugged on my arm.

I laughed. "Seb, I'm already dressed." But he wouldn't let go of my arm.

"Oh look you're already ready, I sent Seb down to get you." He put down his phone like he was calling just calling some one.

"I can see that." I rolled my eyes jokingly, and he laughed.

"Dad, it's 6:30, we're like 20 minutes late, what are you doing?"

"Just got off the phone with the director of the ship, our Puerto Rico stop is going to be tomorrow!" Lin squealed and dragged me across the room.

"Dad, my dress is going to dirty, if you keep dragging me on my back." I weakly smiled.

"Then don't show the Captain that part of your dress." He said before he stood me up and brushed me off.

We walked to the top part of the boat, where the dinner was to be held.

"I miss you in the cast Ocean," Lin said out of nowhere.


"I want you to be back in Hamilton...I know we agreed that it was a lot of pressure, and when Jazz got back you could leave but...?" He kept walking.

"Dad, I live with you, how could you miss me?" I was honestly really confused by what he was saying.

"Ocean it's not just me, it's Anthony, and Pippa, and Oak...We all want you back."

"Can I think about it? That's a lot to put on my shoulders..." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I just openly said it out of he blue." He laughed a bit. So I laughed with him.


"Ahhh...Lin! How are you!" Captain Kelly's heavy Scottish accent rang in my ears.

"Very good Joe! How's Stef?" Lin shook his hand.

"Ahh, better, but not fully healed I must say." The man frowned a bit.

"I'm was a really unfortunate accident." Both men somberly shook there heads.

"Oh! You must be the daughter!" He stepped away from Lin and over to me.

"Ocean." I smiled and shook his hand.

"Good to meet you! The names Joesph, but yer dad calls me Joe. Come, Come! We eat!" He noted the large table and chairs in front of me.

"Wow, this is really amazing." I sat down.

"Yep! Pretty proud of it too if I must say. My daughter Stephanie helped my design this whole room!" I smiled. He seemed so proud of her.

"Oh! How old is she? Maybe I know her!"

"Oh," He looked down, "You probably don't... she's been in the hospital for a good seven, eight years now. Plane crash..."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry...I-I didn't know." I looked down as well.

"Ah, don't you worry about it! We eat!"

I don't know what to think about this chapter :)

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