Where is she?

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"They stuffed a rubber ball into my mouth. That's when the world went black."
Oceans time gone- 6 hours and counting...
Lins POV
"Come on Niñita pick up." I pleaded while the phone rang in my ear.
  "Any luck?" Vanessa came in pulled her bathrobe even closer to her.
"Nope," I threw my hands In the air, "Nothing from Gabby, or London either!"
I sat down on the bed and opened Twitter.
  "Seriously Lin, our daughters gone and your on Twitter?!" Vanessa rolled her eyes and left, but I ignored her.

Hello, Hello everyone,
I'm not sure if anyone's noticed but Ocean disappeared about six hours ago. We are in contact with her closest friends, her teachers and the police. There is no clue on wear she is but I am spending my every second trying to find her or telling people to help look. She was last seen wearing a Pink Floyd shirt, her hair in a braid down her back. Please I'm begging you, help bring my Sunshine back.🙏🙏🙏

My beautiful cinnamon roll Ocean is gone!? I'm on the lookout Lin🙏♥️

If I can be any help, she posted on Snapchat 7 hours ago... Good luck!


I sighed and powered off my phone.
"Please come home."
Oceans time gone- 10 hours gone

Lins POV
"Lin common- take a break. You've been looking for her all day!" Pippa touched my shoulder by I jumped back. The cast was sitting in the stage of the Richard Rodgers eating pizza. I kept looking.
  "Pip, Oceans gone! My daughter is gone! Why does no one care?"
Pippa sighed, "Lin, I think you need to calm down ok? Relax for a minute! Eat some pineapple pizza."
I processed the though for a moment.
"I do like Pineapple Pizza."
    "Yeah. Yeah you do, now take a break! Come on now eat your pizza!" Daveed said strictly. I smiled weakly and climbed up onto the stage. I ate my pizza and laughed but the only thing I could thing about was my Sunshine

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