He's back

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Quick note before I start...
Oh my gosh yay! People are reading this again! Thank you to all the people who stuck through from the start!

Oceans POV
12 hours ago.
I didn't remember much. All I remember is that I went into surgery and woke up with a firy pain in my throat. Oh yeah, and a man dressed in all black on the other side of the room.
"Uh," I sat up straight away, " I think you have the wrong room sir,"
The figure stared at me for a second then slowly arose from the chair.
  "You don't know who I am?" He said slightly offended.
"I don't , should I?" I reached to the back of the back of the table next to me. The hospital kept there panic button back there.
  "Oh..." He tisked, "have You been with your rich daddy for to long to remember the man who raised you?"
I pressed the button and pulled the bed sheets closer to me.
   "Mr Fredrick?" He laughed loudly.
"Not the one you remember...see after that "man" took you and sued us for abuse, I lost my job! Great right?"
I mumbled, "Maybe you shouldn't hit children next time."
I was too loud.
"Say it again girl! My son lost his spot on the football team, and my wife is depressed! Terrific!" He walked over to me and put his hand tightly around my throat.
  "You know, I always wanted to kill you. But nows the perfect time." I kicked and swung but I couldn't scream.
He punched me and my nose started to bleed. At this point he was screaming.
  "Look what you did to me girl! I'm a mad man!"
He continued to punch me until the lights went out.

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