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As The Limo driver drove away, I groaned remembering that Kyle was still here.
"OCEANNNNNNNNN!!!" Gabi Screamed.
I snickered and instantly swallowed her in a hug.
"Gabi, I literally saw you less then a week a ago."
"Yeah...But still." She continued to engulf me in a hug.
We walked to bio together, dreading it as usual.
"Ahh Ms Taylor, you are back!" My Bio teacher handed me papers of assignments.
"It's Ocean now, Sir." I rolled my eyes. I wonder why he hates me so much.
"Stupid Child.." he grumbled.
My eyes widened in shock. Everyone's eyes widened on shock.
"Excuse me sir, I really, hate to inform you this , but verbal abuse towards a student is a level 9 code, causing 5 years jail time, 10 if we get proof of all the false Fs you've given Ocean." Gabi announced to him. I whipped my head around faster then I could imagine, then I smiled at her.
"May I go to the bathroom?" I raised my hand. He nodded, then I walked out. I almost made it to the bathroom, but then a felt a cold hand on my throat.
"Kyle.." I managed to spit out.
"Oh Im back...Taylor." His powerful hand continued to squeeze my throat. I prayed that I would survive, I prayed he would let he would let go long enough so I could get air.
And then he did.
I collapsed to the ground and only found myself being kicked later. Kick, Idiot, Punch, Stupid.
"What did I do to deserve you this time.." I coughed.
"Well Thanks to you, you had to go blab your fat mouth to everyone about us, and now we can't foster another kid!" He slapped me, and the redness took over my face.
"Please.Let.Me.Go." I coughed, barely unable to speak.
"Oh sure I'll let you go." He gave me a hard kick in the head, then ran.
Using all of the little energy I had, I managed to get up, and run. I ran faster then my legs could carry, and I ended up zjust around the corner of Lin's apartment.
I collapsed to the ground. I couldn't do it anymore. I managed to pull myself up onto a pole and wait for Lin.
Sorry for my extremely short chapters.
For those of u who don't know, I try to publish one chapter per week

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