Valentines Day Sports

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Lin's PoV
I woke up on Valentines Day, forgetting the fact that it was Valentine's Day.

"Crap," I woke up and sprinted downstairs to make Vanessa breakfeast. But she beat me. She was already at the stove with plates of Eggs, Toast, and Mmmmmm Coffee.

"Hehhhh Vanessa......" I smiled.

"Oh darn! You weren't supposed to wake up until 8:00. Well happy Valentines Day." She handed me the plate.

"Where are you going?" She went to grab her coat.

"I have three cases, and I have to baby sit Mary's daughter.Then I have to get your gift." I threw her the keys and she walked out the door.

I'm completely infuriated with myself because I can't get. Vanessa a Valentines gift today. I have 3 shows and Oceans Hockey Game, Volleyball Game, and Dance Rehearsal

I'm such an idiot

Oceans POV
Today was the day I dreaded, the day all my sports have mashed into one.
I've been doing dance ever since I was 4 years old, and volleyball since I was ten. I took up Hockey Recently, because my school almost cut the funding for the arts.
I like the adrenaline! What can I say.

Liam is out on a school drips trip for Seniors today, so we celebrate tomorrow.

Since I have volleyball first I whipped my hair into a tight pony tail, and grabbed my uniform.
Last 1 hour of game.
Our team was winning but not by much. As the last ball flew towards my face, I knew I couldn't mess this up. I felt like I was in a slow motion movie, left, right, left, and jump! I swung the ball over the nets praying that I got the ball over.
And I did.

Hockey game and Dance Chapter shall be on Friday. I just feel guilty about no updates

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