Starting Over...Kinda

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Oceans POV
"Ocean, I heard what happened and I am so sorry!" Gabi ran into hug me at school.
"I'm glad you care Gabi... he's a dirt bag." I rolled me eyes .
"Worse then that! Same with Bethany the Barbie. There both horrible people." Gabi pulled out her phone.
"I'm just glad I get to take a break from it all. My parents and I had a talk last night about my music... we agreed that I should take a break for a while, so we are going to Puerto Rico for a week." I pulled down my grey sweater even though it was 80 degrees out.
"I still can't believe Lin adopted you! And takes you all these places." Gabi threw her hands down in excitement.
  "Gabs he adopted me back in Christmas," I laughed, "and this is the first vacation I'm going on since the we met."
I attempted to explain, but I felt a sudden jolt on my side.
  "Ow!" I yelped as I collapsed to the ground. Gabi hollered loudly, and I spun on my back to see Kyle.
  "I haven't heard from you in a while baby cakes." Kyle was alone so he grabbed my hand and pulled me up.
"What do you what Kyle." Gabi spat.
He smirked. "I need to talk with my little friend... Scat." He shooed his hand, and Gabi looked at me, mouthed, "I'm sorry" and ran.
"What do you-" He cut me off.
"I hear you broke up with your boyfriend... Liam I believe?"
I shook my head. "So? What does that have to do with you?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to date me." He winked and grabbed my waist tightly.
  "Are you serious!? No!" I attempted to pushed him away, but he was to strong.
"I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "why would he want to date a hideous pig like me?" Well plans change baby." He grabbed my butt so I kicked him far off me. He doubled over in pain.
"Am I some toy to you!? That you can play with?" I shrieked.
  "You got that right.." he winked again and threw me into the wall and started kissing me, and I tried to get him off.
  "Get off of me you... you!!!!" I screamed, and punched him hard in the face. He walked back in shock hand to nose. I threw my hands over my mouth in shock as he removed his hands from his nose. Blood dripped everywhere, and I couldn't believe I would do such a thing.
  "Oh you're going to regret that..."  He ran head first into me cause an explosion of pain in my stomach. I decided to stop fighting, it would be better if I did. So I let him punch me...the security cameras would catch him anyway. But then I felt someone shove him off of me, and a jolt of relief flew threw my body.
"Niñita get in the car; vacations starting early, plane ticket issue." He cracked his knuckles, grabbed my hand and slammed the front door shut.

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