Foster Sister. Kind of

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School was good. Being "Peggy" and having a chart topping song means popularity. Life was good until I got the letter.
Dear Miss Fredricks,
There has been a slight issue regarding your foster brother, Kylia Simon Fredricks. He has asked for you and Miss Abigal Walter. Or as she would like to be called, Miss Hamilton. Ug that girl has to many last names. Just come to the Office immediately.

Hm. Weird. I showed my biology teacher the note and ran down to the office.

"Lin?" I asked noticing his presence.

"Sit down Miss Fredricks." Mr Shrum commanded.

"Actually, It's Hamilton Sir." I noted cringing at my horrible "last name."

"Just Sit next to Miss Abigal ."

"Sir, Taylor was in the ER 3 days ago. It's is from her ex foster brother Kyle. Abi was a witness," Lin stated.

"Is this true Miss.....Hamilton?"

"Yyyeeesss Sir," I said nervously .

"Where did it take place?" He questioned.

"At the side of the school, at 6:45am."

"Very Fortunate, that it's the only time and place that the cameras aren't running." He said, voice lightening.

"What do you mean Fortunate!?"Lin said tensing.

"Well, many kids have tried to frame Kylia. You might be one of them." He said in "Sorrow."

"Sir! I saw! But I didn't know it was Taylor..." She said mumbling the last part.

"And we have contracts saying The cast got to foster her because The Fredricks were abusing her." Lin said furious.

"Yes but no proof her brother did anything." Mr Shrum said.

"WE HAVE PROOF YOU IDIOT! WE HAVE CONTRACTS, WITNESSES, BRACES!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT!" Lin screamed. I jumped a little. He was never this loud.

"Mr Miranda will you please-"


"Go ahead...." Shrum sighed.

"Abigal has to wear braces. Can you lift your sleeves?" Lin politely asked. I nodded and lifted my sleeve.

"Wow! That makes a whole new side of things! Miss Hamilton I'll get back to you." Mr Shrum said shoving us out of his office. The rest of the day was perfect.
I was in Lin's apartment watching The Office on Netflix, when he came back home.
"Lin!" I said. It was time to find out about Abigal.

"Yeah?" He said sitting next to me.

"How do you know Abi?" I asked.

He shuttered.

"Taylor I don't-" He started.

"Lin, I need to know." I said with true hope in my eyes.

He sighed. "Fine. When I first married Vanessa we wanted to adopt. But the adoption center insisted we foster, as long as we were calm caring people. So we fostered Abi. We became really close. When Hamilton became really popular she got taken away from us."
Lin looked like he was going to cry.

"So she's my foster sister?" I asked hugging Lin.

"Yeah. Well kind of."
I wanted to update for you gammiewoods this schedule thing  isn't going to work . It might. Baii

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