Back in New York

617 21 5

1 day later

Lin's POV
I ran my fingers through my daughters hair as she spoke to me.
"Dad, I'm fine, really. They put my shoulder back in place." She said from her hospital bed.
"Yeah but you still have bruised ribs, and a concussion." I pointed out and continued to play with her hair. She groaned and flopped back.
  "Hey where's Carter? He didn't go back home did he?" She asked.
  "Ya know I actually have no idea." My face scrunched up but before she could say anything Jazzy ran in.
  "Oh my goodness your ok! Your alive!" She screamed and knelt next to Oceans bed. She grasped Oceans hand and started praying in Spanish.
  "I'm ok Jazz." She laughed.
"No you are not, you were just kidnapped! Is that witch going to jail yet!" Jazzy stood up and looked at me.
  "She goes to court next month, so we'll see then," I shrugged, "I'm just glad Ocean is ok." I smiled at her, trying to hide that I was exhausted.
   "I'm glad Oceans ok but I'm gonna show that bruja psicópata who's boss,"  she was about to walk out before she said, "Bye Ocean sweetie I'm glad your ok." Then she walked out.
   "So she knows how to make an exit." Ocean said, and I looked at her.
  "I here the director of the Soap Opera hired her cousin so know she's always dramatic-er." I said and we both laughed.
"Is it ok if I go home and get some decent rest? I'll be right back when I wake up." I asked and grabbed my keys on the table that the hospital has.
  "Of course! I have my phone if you need me." She said and I kissed her forehead before I walked out.

Oceans POV
Lin just walked out to get some decent rest, but I didn't really want him to go. I don't like being alone. I pulled out my phone and called Gabi, and she picked right away.
   "Ocean Queen Anne Miranda! Why didn't you call me the minute you got home!" She screamed over the phone.
  "Cause I'm not home."
She paused. "Oh. Where are you?" She asked.
  "The Hospital," I grinned from over the phone because I could sense her drama queen coming out.
  "The psychotic lady hurt you! Are you serious?" She asked.
All I responded with was Mhm, before she went off on a Spanish Rant.
"Wanna come ? I'm at Roosevelt?" I asked when she was finally finished.
  "Oh hun I'm already on my way." She giggled and we both hung up.

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