Heaven Gained an Angel

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So... I'm gonna cry writing this ..
italics means In Oceans head btw

Liam's POV
"I love you baby," I kissed Ocean on the cheek as picking. I snickered, because the raspberrys already died our cheeks and lips a beautiful radish, pink.
   "I love you to the moon and back," she kissed me back.
I know Oceans been through a lot with her abuse ,cancer, and anorexia. But she's still like magic to me and nothing can stop that.
The sun had begun to set, and I had a wonderful idea. I delicately grabbed Oces had, and bowed down so I looked at her white marble nails.
    "May I have this dance?" I beamed at her. She beamed back then laughed and said she may.
  So we danced along the raspberry bushes getting awkward glances, but we laughed it away. Her bright smile seemed to rest its head on my shoulder,and it relaxed me. I knew she could work miracles.
  We were driving home and listening to Oceans songs.
   "This is my jam!" Ocean joked in an awful accent.
  "Your the best girlfriend ever." I leaned over to kiss her once more, but Ocean screamed, and I blacked out.
Oceans POV (ok I'm officially crying)
I could've done anything to change it. I could've shoved him out of the was and let that truck hit me.
   "Your the best girlfriend ever," Liam leaned towards me, but he didn't notice the giant truck coming straight towards us.
   "LIAMM!!" I screamed at the highest frequency known to man.
He spun around his eyes wide open,and then the car started rolling down the hill crashing into every boulder and tree. I looked everywhere for an escape, and all I could find was a window. I took of my wedges, and threw them at the window of the truck. I cracked a window, but then I felt a sharp pain in the center of my chest. And then I blacked out.
Lins POV
I was reading a biography about George Washington, and V was asleep. Ocean was supposed to come home exactly three hours ago, and a she was missing.
"Lin," V was pushing at my arm, "get up,"
"Why? It's 2am," I thought she was asleep.
"Look up Liam Monahan on Google..." V had a sad look in her eye.
I had a dark feeling inside that new what was going to happen.
"At exactly 12:45 am on the morning of 2/13/16, one of the wort considered accidents happened in history. Liam Levi Monahan, and Popstar Ocean Queen Miranda, daughter of Lin-Manuel Miranda, were driving home from a date when two trucks that had already crashed minutes before, slammed into the side of there car. The car rolled into a lake crashing into trees and rocks. The two truck drivers suffered minor injures, but the young couple wasn't so lucky. Ocean is fine now, but has broken leg, sprained wrist, and fractured back. Liam is suffering major injuries. He is unresponsive, and not breathing. We pray for these young people."
I jumped out of my bed three on some sweatpants and got in my car.
"Why her... Why her..." I moaned in my head, just before I pulled into Roosevelt Hospital.
"Are you Lin-Manuel Miranda?" A nurse ran into me as I was walking in.
She was so close I had to take a few steps back.
"I'm going to have to ask you to come with me," the nurse had a sorrow look in her eye.
"OCEAN!" I panicked.
"No Oceans fine. It's her boyfriend ..."
Oceans POV
I woke up at the hospital, and I was terrified. I started to hyperventilate. I could see my leg was in a cast and my arm was heavily bandaged. My back was in that same brace it was in a few months ago. I wanted scream. But I couldn't. I panicked and silently screamed. The nurses came in, and started calming me down. Apparently I pulled some fancy muscle in my lungs.
"I wonder where Liam is," I strained my neck to next to me.
I bolted up from my bed even though it burned.
"Liam..." I tried to scream for someone. But I just couldn't. He was on life support.
I tried to calm myself down.
"God, I don't know why you hate me. I don't know what I did, but even if I did something , this? This is like a murder. He doesn't deserve this. He deserves the best of the best, but no. He's on life support. I will do anything to keep him alive." I cried.
I felt his hand clench in mine.
And then the monitor started beeping, and the line went straight.
"OCEAN! Ocean wake up!" Lin pushed my shoulders around. I slowly opened my eyes, and smiled. Liam was behind him

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