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Oceans POV
I awoke the rapid knocking at my hospital room door.
   "OCEAN!!! OCEAN UNLOCK THE DOOR!" Gabi screamed, and broke my ear drums. I slowly arose from my bed and unlocked the door. She threw her purse against the wall and swallowed me in a hug.
"Gab," I coughed, "Ribs."
She immediately stepped back, but frowned.
"How bad is it?" She asked.
"Eh," I sat back down, " Few more days. Then we go to court."
"I'll kill her if you want." Gabi said smiling wickedly.
"I don't want her to die! I mean she's my mom."
"Yeah," she laughed, "your mom that almost killed you."
"That doesn't mean I have to re pay the favor," I pointed out.
"Guess not," she shrugged. And with that we stayed there for 3 hours talking about how much we hated everything.
I woke up the next morning and Gabi left a note.
I had to go pick Kevin up from college, his car got towed.
              Love you,
I let the note stay on the window, and limped down to breakfast.Hospital food is absolutely disgusting by the way, I don't recommend it. I yawned and plopped my eggs into my plate when I heard a deep voice say from behind me, "do you want me to get you so food from Panera or something?"
I spun around, "Oak!" I jumped In his arms no matter how much my ribs hurt.
"You ok? What did the witch and warlock do to you?" He put his hands in my shoulders.
"A lot of slapping. I dislocated my own shoulder trying to get free."
"Dayng girl." He said , "go get into some real clothes I'm buying you breakfast." I beamed and put my eggs down. I rushed up the elevator back to my room and put on some normal clothes. I ran back downstairs and Oak was still waiting for me.
"Wanna break out of this jail?" He said smiling smugly. I returned the same smile and we crept out of the hospital.
"Where do you wanna go for breakfast?" He asked.
  " Can we go home? I really like your pancakes."
"Of course," He weakly smiled, and sped off.
  Roosevelt is pretty close to home so we got there pretty quickly.
"Leslie and your dad are inside by the way," he said climbing out of the car. I ran inside and Leslie got up from the couch.
"Osh," His eyes watered up and ran over to me.
I'm quite glad he didn't ask me if I was ok.  I'm just glad I was home

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