Final Bows.

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I looked back in the mirror for my final time as Peggy and Mariah Reynolds. I had only done half my makeup for Maria, so I kinda looked like the half version of Peggy.

"H.E.L.L.O M.Y F.A.V.O.R.I.T.E P.E.R.S.O.N!" Jazzy walked into my dressing room.

I giggled.

"It seems as this is not Anthony's room...." She fiddled with her hair.

"It's fine...Hey Jazz ??" I pulled out the signature red lipstick.

"Yes, Oh my goodness Yes."  She beamed.

I pursed my lips so she could put on the lipstick. It had slightly left a stain on my lips. They went from bright pink to Cherry Red.

"Aaaaannnnnnddddd......Done. You look beautiful." She hugged me.

"I'm gonna miss this.." I spun around my once room/dressing room.

"At least you still get to see us." She pointed out well attempting to take a selfie.

"Good O'l Jazzy." I beamed.

"OCEAN!" Andrew Strut in.


"SAY HI TO SNAPCHAT!" He made some beaver face to the camera , then Showed me.

"Hey Ya'll!" I made my sexiest Mariah pose.

"Nin- Oh wait are we having a Fashion show?" Lin walked in holding Cate and Mel.

I laughed.

"No, but now I think we have enough people to party." I said taking Cate.

"Ok...Jazz, I have good news." He handed Mel Over to Her.

"What?" She cooed, still looking down at her.

"So it turns out Pippa can't take care of her, because you have to be over 25 or something, and her schedule is to big."

"So...?" We knew where this was going.

"You can adopt Mel. Anthony already signed the papers, know its your turn." He handed her a piece of paper and a pen.

I beamed watching her sign the peice of paper.


After the Show

I just finished my final performance of Hamilton. As I stepped on stage for my bows the tears instantly began flowing.

   In front of me was the whole cast on there knees, with a hand out for a high five. I ran around high fiving all of them, then running up and jumping into Lin's arms. The crowd was cheering, "Yay! Ocean!" and "You are incredible!" 

     I spun around in a circle knowing that I had finally left my mark on the world.

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