Half way to Freedom

572 18 9

Ocean time gone- 4 days

6 hours after last chapter
My phones weird so this chapter is going to be all bold :(
Oceans POV
"We're home ya little freak!" Joanna cackled, clearly drunk. My breathe quickened. I knew I should've escaped when I had the chance, But I knew they had security cameras. So I ran into the baesment of what I assumed was there home. Then I hid behind there extra fridge because there's so much clutter around it.
  "Ocean?" I could hear CJ wander around the top floor looking for me.
"Don't tell me she's gone!" CJ laughed, and I heard something smash.
"Are you serious CJ!? She's going to go to the cops! Find her before I shoot you!" Joanna screeched.
  "She's mental. Holy macrole she's mental." I whispered and hyperventilated .
"Dear God," I said in my head, " I stopped talking to you when I was 10.Cause I hated you. You skipped over me when I truly needed you and since then I did want anything to do with you. But then you answered. Lin adopted me, My music career took off and I have a loving group of friends. But I want to ask for one more thing. Get me out of here. I think I deserve it after waiting for 6 years for you to do one thing. I'm sorry that was sarcastic, I just um.... get me out. Please."
I heard Joanna scream, "See if she went to the attic!" So I assumed it was the perfect time to escape. I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me out the garage door and into the woods across there street. I threw the branches out of my face, but the rocks on the ground cut my legs. I needed to stop but my body kept running. I ran straight out of the woods and a couple of houses came into view. I skidded to a stop and processed my thoughts for a moment. I should ask to use someone's phone. So I ran to a red condo and banged on the door. A nice elderly woman answered the door.
"Yes sweetheart?" She smiled.
"Miss May I please use your phone? My died and it's an emergency," I begged.
  "Of course! Follow me," she started walking up her stairs and I followed. She pointed to the phone signaling that I can call so I dialed Lin's number .
  "Hello?" His voice was refreshing in my ears, no matter how nervous he sounded.
  "Dad! Dad listen I can't talk long I'm being chased. But please write this down," I asked the woman where I was and she said we were in Manhattan, " Dad I'm in Manhattan. I'm currently in a red condo on Justine Circle but I'll be moving soon. Joanna and CJ took me and they have my phone. I'm dislocated my shoulder, but other then that I'm fine. I love you Dad." I hung up in tears. I spun around to see Joanna in my facd, and the woman on the couch unconscious.
  "I found you rat."

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