Back In Time

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Taylor's POV
It was my first day back at Beacon High, and I can't wait to see my friends.
"TAYLOR!" I saw the platinum blonde hair that Gabby bore.
"GABBY!" I screamed and ran towards her.
"I am so glad your back at school. A lot of Drama happened." Her eyes narrowed. We're the "gossip friends."
"What?" I asked.
"William and Abi broke up after he cheated on her with London, Kyle got back together with Genesis, Nick got suspended.." She shrugged.
"Aww William and Abi were so cute." I said.
  "Yeah, but I thought he was a bit sketchy." We continued on to AP History.
I loved History. Ms. Daniels is the youngest teacher at Beacon being 22 years old.
I walked into class smiling and sat down next to the new girl, London, who was wearing a Hamilton sweatshirt, and holding a Starbucks Cup.
"Hey,Is this seat free?" I smiled and put my books down.
She smiled and said, "Anything for Hamiltons daughter." We both laughed.
"Pleasure to meet you...." I didn't want her to know that I knew her name.
"London. London Daniels." She bent over to shake my hand.
"Are you and Ms Daniels related?" I asked even though I knew they probably weren't.
"Kinda. She adopted me last year." She shrugged, but frowned when Ms Daniels walked in.
"Ok students, Today we have a new student, but most of you already know her. May I continue?" She asked. All of us violently shook our heads.
"Good. I recently saw the show Hamilton," Her eyes narrowed towards me, "And I've been inspired. You are all to live the like people in the 1700s for 3 days."
Ok this is officially the worst assignment ever. I'm a modern person. I need my technology to write songs. I need technology to keep in contact with my friends. I grumbled and slumped off to chorus class.
I just got back from a QandA, when I opened the doors to the Rodgers and found TAYLOR. Taylor. Taylor sitting in the center of the stage knitting a blanket that seemed to grow continuously.
"Taylor." I jogged up to her.
She didn't even look up. "Hello Daveed."
Silence for a few moments.
"So................ What's up?" I asked, plopping down next to her.
Again, not looking up she replied, "Nothing you need to worry about."
"Taylor, I'm technically your dad and I deserve to know." I replied. She wasn't adopted yet, so I am still her foster dad.
    "Ok," she began tying off the blanket, "My history teacher came to see Hamilton."
"So?" I shrugged.
"Sooo, She got inspired to live like Hamilton, so now we have to. For three days." She threw the blanket over her head.
"Something has to be wrong with that teacher..." I mumbled.
"You're darn right somethings wrong with her." I heard her muffled voice from under the blanket.
"Taylor, " I threw her up on my lap, "You do know we'll help you, right?"
She peeked over her blanket.
"Of course. We're family. And Families help each other."

There will be a award for those who ask questions in the character ask! So pls ask!

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