Thanksgiving (1)

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Before I knew it, it was Thanksgiving. In the past years I had nothing to be Thankful for. I only had me, myself and I. But now I have a loving family, a kind boyfriend, and the best friends a person could ask for. I talked to Lin about what he does on Thanksgiving.
"It's the best time of year for us. We like to Do a marathon, then we have a show, then all the girls make turkey, while the guys set up the games. Then we play the games. Final we say one prayer for each lead in the show and eat."(A/N So I debated whether to put this in or not. I know some people aren't Catholic or Christian. I Am Catholic, so I pray and celebrate Thanksgiving. If anyone feels uncomfortable with this please DM me.)
        I threw on a floral romper, and huge flip flops. I strutted downstairs with my long tumbling hair fly down my back.
My bed has posts on it which are very splintery and cracked. When I fell onto my bed my hair got caught in the post.
And then my Apperence turned upside down .
Lin's POV
Every Thanksgiving is perfect for me.
V and I started the tradition that at Midnight on Thanksgiving , you kiss someone. If your in a realashonship, kiss your significant other, and if your not, you kiss a random person in the cast. It's a dream come true. I woke up at 5:00 to practice my running. My long shorts where quite big. I ran around while I made toast. I sat down and watched Chuggington for an hour. What? Don't judge. Then I heard Taylor knock. She slowly crept in reviling her uneven, shoulder length hair.
"Taylor,baby what happened!?" I gasped.
"My hair got caught in that splinter you warned me about. I'm so sorry." She was crying now.
"Don't be sorry," I told her, "Don't ever be sorry."
"Ok.." She took a deep breath.
"Here. Get in the car. I'm sure Vanessa's people can fix this."
Taylor's POV.
They fixed my hair, and may I say quite well. I looked better then before with
dark blue hair with light streaks. I felt amazing. I skipped around with my coffee tweeting it to everyone. I felt so over joyed. Lin remind me that we had the marathon in an hour, so I ran back to my room and threw on a green crop top and dance shorts.
I ran back to Lin's apartment where I found that Vanessa was awake.
"Where's Sebastian? And Cate?" I asked.
"I gave her to my parents. Sebs gonna go too."
But before I could respond I heard this.
"Home boy! You need clothes before you can go to Grandmas!" Lin yelled, chasing a butt naked Sebastian into the room. Vanessa hushed me then snicker behind the tired Seb.
"GOTCHA!" She screamed, pick Sebastian up in the air. He laughed as she tickled him.
"Now daddy is going to put your clothes on wether you like it or not." She instructed him. He ran up stairs.
"I've never seen anyone naked, and I don't plan on it again." I noted while V laughed. Moments later the cast hurried in.
"Happy Hamilton Thanksgiving Taylor!" Pippa squealed.
"Yeah. Ready for the worlds hardest run?" Andrew opened the Refrigerator.
"Yep!" I smiled widely. I was in such a great mood today.
"A run we're going to be late for so get in the car." Lin ordered.
We all squeezed in the back of Anthony's truck, and sped off to some running boot camp.
I was never good at running. But the winner gets a trip to Paris. I hopped out of the car and jogged to the huge starting line where 1,000 other people stood. I bent down in my running position, waiting for the gun to go off.
Lin's POV
This is a 7 mile run, and Taylor isn't good at running. But I can see the look in her eye that she is determined on winning that trip to Paris.
"Sunshine, take in easy." I raised my eyebrows. She nodded just as the gun went off.
Taylor's POV
I was trained to take it easy in the beginning and run ahead in the end. Tortoise and the Hair. I ran/jogged up to the middle where Carliegh ran
"This isn't to bad." I pointed out.
"Wait until we get to the building." She groaned ever so slightly.
The building?

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