Christmas Eve

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Taylor's POV
My new alarm was helpless. It made me a lot more calm when I woke up. So as I awoke to Helpless, I smiled brightly. It was Christmas Eve. I've never had an actual Christmas with a family. I'm always sent back, and forced to spend Christmas in a old building.
I found a Red lace dress and Green heels on the floor, along with a note .
This is for our Christmas get toghether at 4.
I shrugged and threw on a Red Lettermen jacket over my nude tank top, and walked over to Lins apartment . I saw a Caramel Frappe Chino of the table. Mmmmmm Starbucks. I grasped the drink and began to make myself breakfast.
Lin announced on Twitter that I was going back to school tomorrow, and we launched my new album . No one could be better then Lin or the cast.
Going back to school was a big change for me. Kyle is back from his suspension. I don't understand what I did to hurt him. But I sat down on the leather couch and began watching re -runs of Dancing with The Stars. I've always wanted to be on that show and my new little rise to fame is helping.
I heard Cate crying at 7:00 in the Morning. I groaned and walked upstairs into her room.

"Shhh, Sissy!" I heard Sebastian whisper, scream. He was trying to jump into her old crib.

"You Cwant Wake Wommy and Waddy!" He got his leg over the crib.

I walked over there and scooped him up. "Sebster. It's ok, I got her."

"Hhh Thanks Taylor." He was shaken but he still spoke Clearly. I gave him a high five and told him to go watch Chuggington downstairs. I went over to Cates crib and rocked her back and forth.

"Shhh. Shh. Seriously it's Daddy's only day off." I continued to hush her. Maybe I could sing to her? It worked on my baby brother.

"I may not live to see our glory," I sang.

"But I will gladly join the fight."

"And when our children tell our story,"

"They'll tell the story of tonight." I paused when I saw Lin and Vanessa in the door, smiling.

"Tomorrow they'll be more of us!" I sang it long and clear, and before I knew it, she was fast asleep. I stood up and Lin slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me in tight.

"Did you get your first little Christmas gift?" He motioned toward the empty cup in my hand.

"Yeah. Thank you." I said sincerely. He smiled and we continued downstairs.

"HOMEBOY !" Lin tackled Sebastian in a playful manner. I snickered as Vanessa shoved me into there little pile. I flopped over onto my back and Sebastian sat on me.

"Seb...I know you're like 2 pounds, but I don't have abs, so I can't breathe." I struggled to get him off of me.

"C'mon Sebster," Lin hoisted Sebastian off of me while I sat up.

"I really hate to break it to you,
But it's almost noon. The parties in 2 hours." Vanessa noted.

"Oh yeah! Chris left me the dress I'm supposed to wear ," I began upstairs.

"Wait. Stop. Is it that skippy Santa corset thing?" Lin grabbed my hand.


"Do Not Wear that.Just take something from Vanessa's closet." He lost grip on my hand as I went upstairs.

Vanessa's Closet is beautiful. It's color coated and put into things like, "Work things," or "Things I haven't worn in 20 years." I went over to that section and put on a gorgeous red dress. It was a little small but that's fine. I took a picture and put it on Instagram.

 I took a picture and put it on Instagram

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         Richard Rodger Gala Dress.
#LittleRedDress #Thisisdressis literally30yearsold

I ran downstairs to show Lin and Vanessa.

"Whatd ya think!" I spun around.

"Beautiful!" Lin lifted me like in Dirty Dancing.

"Holy Beegibies! Your like, 3 pounds!" Lin lowered me.

"Your 110 pounds off," I mumbled.

"Wait your 113 pounds and 15 years old?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm really heavy." I mumbled again.

"No. Taylor your really underweight. I'm taking you to a therapist." He began walking upstairs. I shivered he sounded mad.

Vanessa grabbed his hand.
"Lin don't you think we should give it time ? We don't know anything yet."

"No!" He yelped. And I jumped.

"Lin." V got quite.


Vanessa, teary eyed, walked upstairs. I followed .

"Hey. I know what would cheer you up." I went into her closet and pulled out a beautiful white dress I found earlier.

"Taylor. That was my prom dress." Vanessa walked into the bathroom with the dress.

She came back 20 minutes later with full hair and makeup. She looked stunning.

"Oh my gosh Vanessa ." I hugged her.

"I feel so....young! Can we put a picture on Twitter?" She asked.

"Of course!" I smiled.

@VAMnit -Never felt so young

Just as we finished the shoot, Lin walked in looked sorry

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Just as we finished the shoot, Lin walked in looked sorry.


"No." She ran over and kissed him.

My perfect Hamilton family.

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